They're calling it a "rape plot" but they don't actually say he rapes Tina though it's implied. On one hand, you can see how this might happen, with David so filled with rage but on the other hand, I can't see how the character would have any future in the show if it did happen.
It's one thing to have a non-permanent character be involved, like the rape of Toyah Battersby by an acquaintance back in 2001. But for a long term character like David to do it would utterly ruin the character and he's very popular with viewers. He's done a lot of bad stuff but this would be the worst if he goes through with it. Perhaps it's a red herring, perhaps it will be a near thing, but if they do this, I think a lot of people might just turn off the show. This might fly on EastEnders, but Coronation Street fans won't have it.
I hope this doesn't happen. In my opinion, It wouldn't ring true. I just don't believe David would attack Tina. Maybe what will happen is that Tina will be attacked, and David will get the blame, although that would be a bit too similar to what's happened to Gail i.e. being wrongly accused of a crime.
I hope this doesn't happen. As gadgee said, it just wouldn't ring true. We've seen a nicer side to David more recently, and I always get the impression that he cares about Tina more than anyone. I guess he could hurt her in some sort of way in a fit of rage...but to actually rape her?
I can't believe they would go ahead with this, as it would ruin the character of David - sure we all love to hate the bad boys, but turning him into this would just make people feel nothing but disgust, even if he was full of remorse afterwards. I like the current dynamics between David/Graeme/Tina/Gail, but this would change everything.
Yes, there would be no way to redeem David after this.. I hope that it's utterly false..
Rebecca in TO
Also, as a side note it's interesting how the new producer may be portraying women - there are now two upcoming storylines (this one and Natasha's abortion) which put two strong female characters in vulnerable and distressing situations.
The actor has recently said that he prefers the 'evil' side of his character.
Maybe he just kidnaps her or something irrational like that. Or maybe "attack" means verbally? Like tries to defame her reputation? Tell people about the abortion? Or perhaps he physically attacks her, like corners her and tries to kiss her, she gets away and screams "rape?' Which would be a bad storyline too...but that's the only compromise I can come up with regarding this rumour.
I agree, this would really ruin the character. That's not something you can come back from.
Yes of course. The character David is thoroughly evil and would do something exactly like this or worse. However, the script writers cannot go this far as otherwise they would have eventually to write the little creep out. This they would not do as David provides an interesting, though detestable, side to the show.
Tina is like a curse on anyone around her. I know the character is popular but I dont know where she is supposed to go now, after being brought in as a girlfriend for David, just drifting from bloke to bloke and free lodgings to free lodgings. I know I will get shot down in flames for this, but she should be axed. David cannot be portrayed as a rapist or his character would have to be axed as well.
omfg, i hope this don't happen, as much as i love david nasty, this is going too far, it may be only acting, but david should leave tina alone and let her be happy, so what if graeham is seeing her, jealosy shouldnt be the excuse
World Cup Willie, I'm with you - I'm not keen on the character at all now. She was okay to start with.
Ugh, can we not put the damn Platts on the back burner for ten minutes! I'm sick of the constant DAYVID DAYVID DAYVID.
Remember when Tina first came, she worked at the pound shop and she was really feisty? In the medical centre with Gail and stuff? She was SO cool then, I liked her, she was funny. And fun. Now she's stuck up, suddenly she acts like she's upper class or something.. I dunno I just feel they changed her personality too much? And this new one, I do not like.
People change, along with their situations. It's 'adjust or die' even in the soap world.
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