With a history as long as Ken Barlow's it's no surprise when his Coronation Street past comes back to haunt him.
Inside Soap magazine reveals that Ken is to be left with egg on his face after a drunken Deirdre reveals that Ken once worked as an escort for Alec Gilroy's Golden Years escort agency.

Deirdre puts her husband in the uncomfortable position over dinner chez Barlow with Audrey and Lewis when talk turns to Lewis' old job.
Those of us with long memories will remember that Ken gave up his job after one of his clients, Babs Fanshawe, played by the wonderful Brigit Forsyth, died halfway through dinner.
I think dying halfway through a date with Ken Barlow is preferable to a whole date with him.
I remember wondering if the term 'escort'had a different meaning in the UK than it did in Canada. God I hope so.
Haha, oh this made me laugh!
This should be a hoot!
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