If you can't watch it because you're overseas, here's what he says, in a nutshell.
He's always been a fan, thinks the show's an institution and transcends the generations. He loves the humour of the show. It's going to become more pacier as it heads to its 50th anniversay and will become more cinematic as it's now filmed in HD. He's insistent that Corrie will be celebrating being 50 years young, rather than 50 years old and he's hoping to make it the most watched show.
As for the dead body on the street, that'll happen this summer. He says the death will affect two of the most significant characters on the Street in a story that will span across a year.
So, who do you think it might be?
Is the not that of Colin Fishwick, whom John Stape buried in the foundations of the new Underworld?
Hmm, it probably is Colin Fishwick. Mind you, there are others who I would like it to be.... Who hasn't had their contract renewed? Phil looks extremely sexy in that picture!
Only if you consider Fiz and Stape two of the most significant characters on the street. I don't but that's probably what they're referring to. Much more significant to me are Ken, Deirdre, Gail, David, Kevin, Sally.....Oooh you don't suppose the body will be Molly's? That would certainly affect some significant characters?
I was thinking the very same - Molly with poor Kev and Tyrone. Maybe the truth about their affair and the baby will come out?
I think Fishwick has to be likely, if he comes back from "sunny Canada", and Charlotte's in dangerous waters right now.
They've just killed Tony and are about to have two more deaths in Colin Fishwick and Natasha Blakeman...I really can't see another death on top of that.
Maybe Nick gets with Leanne. Natasha gets really really obsesive and walks in on them. Stabs Leanne, and then Nick in Anger Kills Natasha. I know its a far stretch. But it would affect two families (Platt's and Battersby's)
The dead body on the Street suggests a hit and run.
One significant character is the guilty driver, and the other has knowledge of the crime.
I'm FAR more worried about the words "cinematic" and "pacier"
We don't want "cinematic", Mr Collinson, we want nice, clean well-shot 1080i video. Don't even THINK of going "filmlook"!!!!!!
As as for "pacier"... maybe this was right for the rebirth of Doctor Who, but not the Street. It has a pace and a style all its own. Tamper with it at your peril.
Dead body...no clue. Perhaps it's one of the older cast members?
OK Fans Phil is Reviving old Deaths Molly Will Die like Susan or Rachel i think not quite sure the Girl who was in a hit and run a few weeks after having her baby with terry duckworth.And Natasha will just take some pills as suicide is not allowed on TV at that time slot like rope around the neck i mean unless they have a warning before the start of the ep which they did before,for Dons death. Now as for the BODY i head it was gonna be Jackie Dobbs but doubtful. now the Train Crash Aunt Pam Dies in that as she is selling Sandwiches in the Cabin when the train fly's into it but i reckon Norris will be with Emily and she has the flu or something u know him stay in bed he loves making a fuss and id say Rita will be away and just Mary will be in the shop with Pam and maby
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