Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.
Week of Monday 28 June to Friday 2 July 
Jason throws Tina’s clothes on the cobbles, Graeme takes Tina for a rickshaw ride, Mary offers Hayley her wedding dress, ‘Fairest Weatherfield barmaid’ competition begins, Lloyd looks after Cheryl when he finds her black and blue and Nick pulls off the pants order.
The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures, is right here on
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'Mary' + 'wedding dress' in the same sentence conjures up all kinds of scary pictures...
Trivia 'n boring stuff corner:
See that giant hub on the front wheel of the rickshaw? That's an electric motor that is, (looks like an illegal 500watt version too, 200/250 being the UK/EU legal maximum).
So if Graham doesn't let on to Tina, he could bluff his way into making her think he was super fit Tour de France material.
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