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Saturday 13 June 2020

Corrie Comicals week ending 12 June 2020

Given the UK soaps are all in flux at the moment I thought I would do a quick run down of their plans alongside the rules of "Just a Minute" - no hestitation, deviation or repetition.

"EastEnders" runs out of episode next week - so they fail for hesitation and apparently repetition is coming down the tracks - so a double knock out.

The Grand-daddy of them all "The Archers" ran out episodes weeks ago - so a lot of hesitation, they then did a lot of repetition and now incompetently for a major national broadcaster who can be seen not to care for a flagship programme is undergoing huge amounts of deviation as mind-numbingly poorly written, directed and acted monologues are delivered in place a proper programme.

Across the hills in Yorkshire dear old "Emmerdale Farm" ran out of episodes - so hesitation, and then also went into for some two hander episodes this week and the next two weeks - losing the plot in some respects - so they get knocked out for deviation as well.

Which brings us to Coronation Street.  No hesitation here - in the works episodes are being completed, no deviation into special lockdown episodes and no repetition of something issued previously.  We are promised a visit from Dr Who to do a timeslip week which will put things right (apart from the usual messing around with the seasons - I do love seeing green trees in the depth of winter don't you?).  Personally I am slightly disappointed that they plan to go back to making six episodes a week and once the stock in hand is rebuilt we will have to watch that number again. 

So we should all bow and give thanks that Coronation Street are comprehensive winners of "Just a Minute for Soaps".

Friday night on the Street showed us the rest room in the factory (is there any production space any longer?) which is large and also contained our first view of Dirk for many weeks and it would appear that his hair has not grown during lockdown (above).  Ahh!  Hang on this is pre-lockdown - it could be down to his shoulders by now!

Oh come on.  This must be the third or fourth time this trope has been used recently.  "I am absorbed in a good book".  Which as always happens is upside down - as spotted this time by Nina.  Does anyone else get the feeling that Sally is not reading either!

Tall, dark, handsome, and single - having removed his wedding ring - Adam moves into help Laura load Kelly's possessions into Laura's car.  If Rick Neelan was such a well to do loan shark surely his ex-wife would have taken him to the cleaners in the divorce and would have oodles of money herself and not be renting some poky place on Inkerman Street?  After all he would not want his activities to become public knowledge so would have had to hand over quite a lot of dosh?  Something does not add up!

Break time in the factory and Toyah and Kirk press Sean to tell them a story - so he says he will tell them about his time with a Nun.  And as we see above it "Nun" of their business!

Which wraps it up for me this week.

Written by: Jan McVerry (Monday); Ian Kershaw (Wednesday); Alasdair Morrison (Friday)
Directed by: Abe Juckes (Monday & Wednesday); Emma Lindley (Friday)


All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


Pat said...

I like six episodes a week. I always record them and watch 2 together the next day. When the episode I watched this morning ended I thought ‘oh I want more, that was far too short’, after all you only get just over 20 mins of actual programme.

coconno196 said...

What is Toyah doing in the factory? After she was fired from her counselling job at the health centre she did some half-hearted job-hunting in areas inappropriate to her skills, but I don't remember the result.


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