With the (time-lagged) union jack flags waving proudly around The Rovers, the war-time dressing up theme was a welcome nod to corrie episodes of old tonight and that distinct air of nostalgia certainly helped set-up tonight's most memorable scenes.
Finding out about the double assault in the gazette, Carla and Peter (both gorgeously dressed for the celebrations) argue about whether he upheld the threat so angrily promised. He denies guilt telling her he was at an A.A meeting when the attack happened. I did doubt him until we saw a close up of Scott’s scuffed knuckles. Any thoughts on what Scott is all about? Also at The Rovers, Norris, Ken, Audrey, and Rita reminisced about Weatherfield's wartime contribution. I love it when Corrie scriptwriters reference past characters and weren't it great seeing Norris again! I think there may be trouble over at Stillwater, though?
Shona's return and recuperation also brought back fond memories for her and David (well him at least) tonight too. Continuing to act completely out of character by making a pass at her support worker, then stealing Ray’s wallet, the latter was an intelligent nod to the characters past indiscretions and this reunion between them does seem to show promise?
Talking of reigniting passions, is Alina ready to get back with Seb? The recent tension between the two is certainly obvious and I have a distinct feeling that Emma will again be caught in the crossfire?
Duly distracted, Emma is with the rest of the Macdonald clan who are taking Oliver on their planned day out. Leanne remains largely worried and even though Oliver brightens up when seeing the animals, the worry on her face, and Nick's, is plainly conveyed. Later, sharing the day's film footage with Steve, you can see how worried his parents are. It is disheartening but child illness was never going to be a jolly affair and I think we have a lot still to discover in this storyline.
Last week, I commented on Daniel 'pulling' another attractive blonde yet (as always) I was completely wrong and had not predicted that his latest blonde would be a sex worker. Aside from the slightly slanted view on the male cure to loneliness (beer & boobs), Nicky lends a friendly ear as Daniel opens up about Sinead, and shows a compassionate interest in our handsome widower. It may have cost him £220, but I'm starting to wonder if I was right after all?
I am @rybazoxo your {self-styled} cobbles connoisseur

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Yes Nicky did lend a sympathetic ear at first but then it was all about business and Daniel was £220 lighter. How has he got that sort of money to spend?
1. Carla and Peter looked fantastic!
2. The golden oldies all sat in the Rovers having a good old natter.
3. Tracy getting interfered with...by a goat!
1. Shona's cringey acting.
2. Seb and Alina...just why?
3. The crime of there not being more scenes with Carla and Peter when they looked like THAT. Wasted oppurtunity in my book.
I too, am puzzled why Daniel forked out that huge amount when he could have
A: Paid Toyah an hourly rate, as she's a qualified counsellor or
B Gone to a bereavement charity and gave them a donation.
I don't know how he earns a living either and there's been no mention of him claiming benefit. Maybe he's living off Flora's money? She gave this to him and Sinead to open a shop.
I'm also losing interest in Seb/Alina/Emma and also Shona's gradual return does seem very contrived.
Shona’s behaviour is just plain odd. Is it really the case that someone with memory loss would just blurt things out like a young child, act rudely, steal someone’s wallet and throw themselves at men? I cannot sympathise at all so really have no interest in this story at all.
Yes, Peter looks pretty snappy in that uniform! More of THAT please!
I too am having trouble swallowing Shona's behaviour. I can't believe that even with memory loss people would act so completely as though 'without filter'. I don't buy it.
Leanne is forever trying to get Oliver to look at something from cars to geese I don't know why this bugs me so much but it does! Lookit the car Oliver lookit lookit lookit argh!
Absolutely agree Anon. In the hospital I was so irritated by Leanne repeating Oliver, Oliver look at the car, whatever. She did portray a distraught and fearful mother very well though.
She burst out laughing when Roy told her his wife had died of cancer. I can't believe Shona, injured or not, would have that kind of insensitivity.
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