Long ago
And not so far away
Gaz fought Rick Neenan
And killed the shark of loans -
A lot has happened since then. Hope gained, then lost, a psychopath half sister, Paul realised he'd been sexually abused as a teen, Sinead died and Daniel had a breakdown, Robert died and everyone forgot about him, Michelle left and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, there was a massive pandemic, but nobody on the street noticed. But I'm glad this plot line has been resurrected because you can't manslaughter two people and get away with it.
Anyway, Gazza enlists the help of Lenny, the pointless PI, to track down Kelly's mum so she can come back and fulfil her maternal duties and coincidentally take Kelly away from the street where she - and others - might continue to ask questions. Lenny discovers that Laura has moved as far as Rochdale and Adam uses his familial relationship with Amy to find out (from Kelly) that the only person still in touch with Rotten Rick is Gary. Well, only if he's discovered that he can commune with the spirit world.
It's Yasmeen's plea hearing and Ryan skives off working at the pub to support the Nazirs in court. Alya tries to talk her gran into pleading not guilty, citing the escorts, the financial control, even the withholding of food. "He's complex and insecure," says Yasmeen, "he has known pain. I grate on people, I'm too bossy and opinionated." Give this woman a copy of The Second Sex. He tried to change you, points out Alaya. Yasmeen tells her about the sad death of Charlotte Bronte (the chicken, not the novelist) and details Geoff's fascistic cleaning regime. Alya tries to get her to see sense by asking her what if Geoff had treated Tim like he treated her and she seems to be getting through to her, but at the hearing, Yasmeen hears all of Geoff's bullying taunts in her mind and is unable to enter a plea.
Aadi is not impressed with Oakhill - he tells his dad that he doesn't need private education to run a kebab shop. Well, if he's going to stick around on the show he'll need to have a job on the street. Nina tries to cheer his sister up by telling her she would be branded with a scarlet letter or tied to a ducking stool in the olden days. Asha seems more cheered by Corey continuing to text her (and her to continue to ignore him).
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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While I'm loving Yasmeen's storyline, everything else is a bit 'meh'.
The entire Gary villian plot has been painful from the outset, why do they keep dragging it out, just end it already!
The main thing I've noticed since Iain Macleod took over is that half the cast don't get a look in. All the characters are underused to some extent. Carla, Peter, Nick, Leanne, Jenny, Johnny, Toyah..list could go on.
To make matters worse the cast keeps expanding with unnecessary characters like Alina, Kelly, Ray etc.
While it's definitely improved since the beginning of last year (roof collapse flop) the show has still got a long way to go...
What has happened to the guest at the B&B at the Rovers? Disappeared from trace
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