The pantomime dame is alive and well and rocking up on Coronation Street. Her name is Zoe. And, er, Roxy. Oh yes it is.
Fizzy water contains unicorn tears. It must be true, Tim said it.
There are two things Rosie Webster never does. Eat carbs after 7 and bluff.
Jenny's wedding dress designer, Helene, is so posh she works at a celebrity wedding for a chef "him with the eyes".
Weatherfield's very own Search Engine 'Voggle' turned up trumps again, this time when Gina was searching for a loan online.
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Absolutely terrible writing this week...awards all 'round. Forgot to mention the "kicked puppy" or in her case, Gemma the football. Horrible writing, not much for the actors to work with. Especially offended by the part of Gemma continually getting $#iT on....once again, as if we were too stupid to figure out that Gemma is a caricature in other corrie rez's eyes. Pshaw, you'll have to do better than that corrie if you want to keep me watching. Been a loyal fan for over forty years, s'okay though~ There's still Classic Corrie, where no one ages and Deidre and Ken are still KIng and Queen of the street
And please...explain where Emily is? Peru? Prison? Nunnery? Just write her out already!
I LOVE Tim! I wish we could see more comedy between him and Steve.
Those two friends of Gemma give me the creeps. They are mean evil girls, the likes of which I remember from my school days.
I was expecting the two pantomime dames to come out with those famous words: "face, bovvered?"
I would have said "two ugly stepsisters" rather than dame.
The panto style acting was already well and truly evident on the show ever since Gemma joined the cast...
The Pantomime Danes are what the Battersby sisters could have become back in the day, had they not been played by two top-notch actors.
Their Dad/step-Dad, Les, remained a pantomime character throughout his tenure, with his performance becoming pantomime-on-steroids once he hooked up with Cilla
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