Next week in Coronation Street, Gary arrives home, much to Sarah and Anna’s delight.
But he is hiding some serious bruises along with secrets about what his job in Ukraine really involves. It’s Anna who spots the bruises and she tackles him about the truth of his new job.
Clearly struggling with his new secret life he goes on an all-night bender and when Sarah tackles him about his behaviour he storms out. Nicola finds him in the ginnel and invites him to number 11 There, over a bottle of wine, Gary opens up to Nicola about his time in the army while she shares tales of her own eventful youth.
Reflecting on where they’ve ended up and how much they have in common, Gary and Nicola start kissing passionately. Will one thing lead to another or will Gary come to his senses before betraying Sarah?
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Isn't kissing (Nicola) already betraying (Bethany)?
Do you mean Sarah?
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