At Eva and Jenny's hen party on Friday, the factory girls made a list of the men Maria had had an affair with: Toyah's lecturer-cum-boyfriend John, Charlie Stubbs when he was going out with Tracy, and Marcus, even though he'd binned off Sean at that point. They didn't mention that she'd tried to win Tryone back when he was with Fiz. Then again, that was a bit of karma for Fiz given that she 'stole' Tyrone from Maria back when Ms Connor was Ms Sutherland and a kennel-maid rather than hairdresser. Perhaps that experience at a young age warped her view of relationships, that someone will always cheat or be cheated on. Indeed, Marcus cheated on her with Todd and most devastatinlgy of all, her husband and father of her child, Liam, had a long and passionate affair with Carla, one of Maria's best mates.
So three times the cheater, three times the cheatee. I think they cancel each other out don't they? Eva and Toyah's assertion that Maria is slut of the street doesn't really hold water. All of the men that Maria has had flings with have wooed her (in an unpleasantly stalkery way in the case of Charlie Stubbs), rather than her doing the predatory chasing. In most cases, she's tried to resist. She finished with Aidan several times and let's not forget a few weeks ago, he was about to leave Eva for her. It's no wonder that her revenge, whilst not so planned and plotted as Eva's, was so explosive. To be honest, I'd've ruined a wedding just for the chocolate milk/piñata incident. You cannot mess with a crimper's hair!
You get the impression with Maria that rather than wanting to get one over on her female friends, rather than feeling just lust, that she's a true romantic. Her problem is not disloyalty but weakness. A man is the be all and end all to her, and she loves love. She even went to prison for love, having married a gay Cypriot so he could stay with his partner.
So how do you solve a problem like Ms Connor? I'd give her a rest from men. Concentrate more on her son (I'm assuming Audrey was looking after him whilst she was exposing Eva at the wedding). Maybe have a hobby? A new job or challenge? Perhaps even a political cause, say Pablo could return and ask for her help as he is being deported. Give her something, anything, other than a new boyfriend. As Shona said, it's always harder on the woman.
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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Maria is the friend you do not want to have, not if you are in a relationship. She has no fear....let's face it she went toe to toe with Carla Connor herself over a man (albeit in that case she was the victim)- And she has been dragged by the hair into the street by the formidable Tracy Barlow - so I guess she figures she can handle whatever consequences come up.
And as Sean would attest to, she shows the same loyalty to male friends as her girl friends, one word - Marcus. I guess you could say that Maria is an equal opportunity cheater.
I don't care for Maria. She is one dimensional and boring. The only scenes that she seems enjoyable to watch at all is when she is with David. With that in mind and with Maria's track record.....with no best friend, and no big brother - who would Maria go for? I will not even finish that thought. lol
Enjoyed your write up. :-)
Granted Naris is no angel but what about Eva?
She sabotaged Leanne's wedding to Nick out of spite because Nick didn't choose her and instead of having out with Aidan once she found out about him and Maria,she lies about being pregnant and is determined to ruin Underworlds costing the girls who were among the wedding guests their jobs!
Leanne's absence at her sister's wedding speaks volumes about her disapproval of Eva's plans and the fact that Toyah teamed up to get revenge on Maria for sleeping with her lecturer boyfriend John years ago makes me question how much she loves Peter who she claims is the 'love of her life'if she still holds a grudge over a lost love from years ago!
Thanks a lot, now I have that song from The Sound of Music in my head!
Maria is the ultimate jelous cow an needs bringing down. I loved that eva got her with the chocolate milk pinata. Nout like a women scorned
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