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Pregnant Sarah takes herself to the clinic to have a termination. She’s ready and waiting to be called in for her appointment when sister-in-law Kylie arrives and talks her out of it. Kylie tells Sarah that having Callum’s baby could be the one good thing that comes out of “all of this”. “All of this”, you’ll remember, is Kylie killing Callum in cold blood in the Platt house and burying him under the floor. How can a baby possibly help… but Sarah’s persuaded to keep it. I’m shaking my head in disbelief as I type this and I want these stupid storylines to end. Please. News of the baby comes out when Bethany overhears Todd in the salon talking about it. Bethany rushes to the Bistro where Sarah’s with Gail and Audrey and she blurts out the baby news. “Maybe I should get pregnant!” Bethany moans to Audrey to which she replies: “Don’t be daft. You’re far too old to get pregnant in our family.”
Johnny needs proof that Carla’s his daughter so he gets a DNA kit and sends it off in the post with an envelope that Carla’s licked at work. So far, so yuck. As one Corrie fan pointed out on twitter this week, it’s highly unlikely that Johnny’s Carla’s dad. Johnny said Carla was conceived in the back of a Vauxhall Cavalier. Carla was born in January 1975 and the Cavalier wasn’t launched until November that year. Case solved.
There’s a show-down at the Bistro when Michael is nominated for the Weatherfield Good Samaritan award. He’s nominated by Dee the woman he helped with her splashback and bins. Dee, of course, doesn’t know that Michael was the fella who burgled her many moons ago. She finds this out right at the moment when Michael’s announced as the award winner and there’s words said between them including “I never want to see you again” and so on. Michael takes his battered sausage to Eileen while Gail simpers on.
Anna and Erica go out to a singles night and are joined by Kev Webster who’s also looking for love. It’s clear that Anna and Kev are going to get together but first they have to meet and greet other singles before they end up under the mistletoe at Sally’s Christmas next week.
in Weatherfield nick, Rob calls in Tracy again on a visiting order.
He’s decided to get his revenge on Tracy (why?) for her relationship
with Robert (why?) and none of this makes any sense to this Corrie
fan. Robert does A Good Thing this week for Tracy and fills Barlow’s
Buys with flowers, encouraging Tracy to ditch the second-hand goods and
invest in a florist business instead. Barlow's Blooms? It gives Tracy
much to think on, in between lying to Robert and visiting Rob.
And that’s just about that for this week.
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This week’s writers were Jayne Hollinson and Mark Burt (Monday double); Joe Turner (Wednesday); Chris Fewtrell (Friday double). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at
Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at
Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.
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For what it's worth I don't think David leaving Kylie came out of nowhere,it was due to her falsely accusing him of pushing his drunk sister in front of Tim's van!
What I think is a storyline from out of nowhere is Billy's almost obsessive concern for Sarah's wellbeing.
Since he is a vicar and did offer spiritual counselling to another couple with a terminally ill child why did he offer the same support to Fiz and Tyrone?I mean he's never seen asking any members of the Sutherland\Tinker\Brown\Dobbs clan about Hope or how everyone is coping.Instead he and[ everyone else it seems ]are more concerned about Sarah.
Good point about Billy, Anon. 16:42.
And Flaming Norah - Michael's battered are BAD- LOL!
It could be worse I suppose. Callum could have slept with Bethany and mother and daughter could both be up the duff with his babies.
Dreadful thought: it's not too late! His deflowering of Bethany could have happened off screen and, in a history repeating kind of way, the young Sarah was 5 months gone before she realised she was pregnant with Beth...
Ok..who's next to be up the duff? Anna? bet is on Sinead.
Wouldn't you think by now that Sarah would not only know how to prevent this, but also what it felt like to be pregnant this far along? This storyline makes me want to puke. And not in that morning sickness kind of way.
gods above, I am just waiting for the tell tale beating of Callum's heart from under the floor boards. This story has reached it's lowest point, surely?
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