Week of Monday 23 to Friday 27 February
Rita and Jenny Bradley meet again, Lloyd returns, Kevin and Jenny grow close, Tracy and Tony almost get caught, Eileen works behind bar at Rovers, Anna’s jealous of Linda and Owen.
The full weekly preview, with pictures is right here on Corrie.net
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what is the point of bringing Jenny back? I was a viewer when she was originally in the show and if my memory serves me correctly she wasn't all that nice. After all her father tried to kill Rita (he died in the process) so I shouldn't think Rita would all that pleased to see her.
I'm so sick of Coronation St. re-hashing old storylines and trying to make them new. Now we have pointless Jenny returning to street and she'll hook up with Keven...then Sarah Platt's gonna come back to do what? And please for all our sakes get rid of Cullem...or whatever his name is...he's a joke...and to see Eileen and Anna all falling over themselves is an insult to women everywhere. Surely to heavens CS can come up with some creative story lines? And what's up with everyone leaving the show? Julie, Eva, Rob's gone Peter's gone, we've lost our Deirdre, Dev's leaving, Maddy's leaving...the whole Gavin/Andy story is ridiculous...I think Corrie must think we are all brain dead. Come on CS you must be able to do better than this???
I cannot see why they are bringing Sarah Platt, Bethany or Jenny back either. Are they keeping on Andrea as well? Too many cast members with nothing to do bar "cause trouble" which is now wearing more than thin.
Oh my goodness will somebody give Todd and Chesney a push into the canal? Todd and his ridiculous scheming...Chesney and his sanctimonious attitude is just too much. They have turned Chesney into cranky scowling old man. He's worse than Norris and very unpleasant to watch.
And Todd....enough is enough. This latest scheme is so unfounded and just downright horrible writing. Why don't they just give him a handle bar mustache so he can lurk in the dark, twirling it with a Muhwahahah! It's so stupid.
I think it was inevitable that we have Sarah return at some point, whether the same actor or not. I also reckon we will see the return of Rosie Webster some day, too, again, same actor or not.
I enjoy seeing old characters come back, that little connection to the past is always good to revisit. We don't know if Jenny will be back for good, or just a short term (which is what I suspect). No, she was never all that nice but that's better than being boring! I think Kevin won't know what hit him!
I have questions.
I'm not sure I understand how Corontation Street is so removed from communition with the rest of the world when someone 'goes away'.. they don't keep in touch with anyone about anything!? AS IF?
Looks like Maria has a little hair competition with Jenny Bradley.Not a question, but really all Maria has is her hair, so this could be trouble.
Todd story = shtoopid. How long before Bruno Langley is handing in his papers too, just like all the other actors and viewers who are leaving. The 'riduculous' story lines they have play out is no longer watchable without pain. Lately, after an episode of Corrie, I feel like my favourite team lost the game due to not giving a sh*t and wonder why I should care if they don't.
I also wonder how the Corrie actors feel when they are given such shtoopid story lines to act out?
So why exactly does Todd behave like this? SB told viewers months ago that we would find out what happened to Todd in London but we've heard nothing. The character brings nothing and really ought to be written out.
Wasn't it that long ago that Liz was hiding outdoors in her underpants as part of some sexual liaison? Pathetic rehash of an already stupid event.
Is Chesney supposed to be morphing into Les Battersby? He's about as useless and antisocial, with a mouth in constant need of a punch.
If we don't find out what happened to Todd in London to turn him into such an ass, I pray he is run out of town soon with pitchforks and burning torches. Total monster.
What the hell is with these younger characters that they feel they need to give their blessing, forgive or permit other adults (some twice their age)? Who the hell do they think they are? As if Kevin gives a flying fig if Sophie gives him her blessing.
How in the world does Faye honestly believe that she'll give birth "secretly" and just leave the baby on the door step of the hospital? I know she's young but she can't possibly be that stupid.
Why exactly is Anna throwing herself at Owen? They're already a couple, Linda wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole, and like Owen's such a catch Anna should go mental over losing him??
Maria and her bullshit... enough said.
I'm looking forward to Jenny Bradley's return. A nod to the past and a totally plausible Kevin hook-up in today's inter-connected world.
The video preview shows a promising spark between J&K too. Hope it continues
At this point, does ANYBODY care what happened to Todd in London? That ship has sailed. They have made him so completely horrible for so long that there is no redemption. He is now just "one of those characters" that you roll your eyes at and wait for his contrived scenes to be over.
Too bad. I looked forward to Bruno returning. Now I can't wait for him to leave.
I think one problem with these writers is, that they confuse or simply can not write an interesting character without making them a complete bastard or a nagging witch. That's entertainment to them.
I wish they would stop writing Jason as the dumb brother. The actor has matured into a great looking guy and when given the right material, can deliver. But it's always back to the same old grind. It's time he became more of a leading man on the show, have him wise up a bit and give some solid stories. He shouldn't be a caricature.
As for Kevin, I'm at least glad he's not going after Sally again. One of the more delightful and realistic stories is his brotherly bonding with Tim. That totally happens with exes. It's nice to see Corrie didn't go down the easy route of Kevin automatically hates Tim because he's with Sally.
Tvor,Although I agree it was investable that Sarah would return,it's the timing of her return that bothers me. While other characters are leaving [or axed.],the Platts are dominating storylines to the point of overkill and at the expense of underused characters so I don't think another round of Sarah is really needed nor am I looking forward to her return.
It's funny and a little hyporcritical for Anna to be playing the martyr again with her jealousy of Linda when a few months ago she slept with Phelan to keep her precious Gary out of jail and expected Owen to get over it.
Really glad Lloyd's coming back. It would be good to see him supporting Steve through his depression. Of the two of them, Lloyd's always had far more business sense and been much more capable than Steve so it would make sense to hand over the reins at Streetcars and the Rovers to him while Steve recovers. He and Liz would make a great team behind the bar, even without being a couple anymore.
It is now past all reason and past caring for uncovering the so called 'London reason' for scarred-for-life Todd's abysmal behaviour, especially his effort in tearing apart Eva and Jason....the little turd.
The male Corrie characters are a bunch of mommy's boys...all living with their mothers...can't any of these males afford a place of their own? And Sean entertaining Billy for supper with Eileen, Todd and Jason as an audience...awkward!
And whole wheat toast...do they have it in England? EVERY BREAKFAST on Corrie...plain white toast with butter! Do they have peanut butter or jam there?
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