She's the nastiest female soap villian Coronation Street's ever had. And in good old fashioned soap tradition, she's going to have to get her comeuppance, because it is the law of soap.
Yup, it's crazy Kirsty. I reckon she beats Tracy Barlow as best female soap villain because we care so much about the storyline, about Tyrone and little Ruby. No one really cares about Tracy and the fact she killed Charlie Stubbs by bashing him over the head with the ornament barely gets a mention and seems to have been forgotten. So therefore, this fan reckons crazy Kirsty wins the crown for best psycho-Street lady.
But how will this storyline end and how will Kirsty get her comeuppance? Should she be killed off or is that cop-out? I have no way of knowing but my guess is she won't get killed off as she's too good a character for Corrie to lose.
I suspect that she'll finally get arrested and charged, locked up and the key thrown away. For a while, anyway. And just when Tyrone thinks Kirsty's banged up in the big house and is enjoying his new life with girlfriend Fiz, their kids Ruby and Hope and playing happy families, Kirsty will be released and return to make his life a misery once more.
What would you like to happen to end Tyrone's torment at the ends of psycho Kirsty Soames?
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Friday, 23 November 2012
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No way can they get rid of Natalie as she is one of the best actors the show has had for a while. Kirsty does need help from a mental health team or a good slap from Tyrone. Bullies are only that way when they get away with it.
I don't think they could "reform" her now because with the factory incident she crossed into pantomime villainy. That's not necessarily a bad thing in drama terms, but I don't think you can argue they're still doing a "true-to-life, relevant modern issue" kind of thing now. She's become a classic baddie and therefore, yeah, she needs to be killed off at some point.
Dont kill her off its the easy way out. Kirsty should run off once shes cornered by Fizz n Tyrone and then she can come back to cause more chaos later. Shes such a good character!
I don't think that they should kill her off. Not sure about the "prison" idea-that's been done, with Tracy.
My guess is something will happen to make her leave the street and she'll just be "out there" somewhere. Like you wrote. When things calm down and Tyrone and Fiz are happy-she'll be back.
She could get killed. Tyrone or Fiz will be accused. The real culprit will be her father.
Tvor, you are wonderful and I bet you're spot on too!!!!!
No,No. have her disappear for a while, then find her wandering with amnesia and when they find her she has had a personality change. Then in time her true self comes back with a vengence and maybe she wrecks havoc, kills her father and they find out she has a tumor that caused her to be so wacko. The writers need to keep her around for awhile, she's too good, make's you just want to thump her.
It would be Tyrone accused of murder though, not Fiz (she just went through all that!). And all the times others heard shouting and witnessed what seemed to be him abusing her would come back to haunt him. Deidre would be the chief witness.
Kirsty is going to try to KILL Fiz via tampering with the gas, if the rumors are true, coming through on her "the next time will be worse" threat. There'll be no evidence to tie her to it, of course.
I just don't know how far the marriage scheme will get to before Kirsty wises up. I think that she will marry him, later find out the marriage is a fraud and nearly beat Tyrone to death in a rage and then go to try and kill Fiz (who she figures put him up to it, and probably beat the truth out of Tyrone). Only now, she'll threaten to take everything he has in addition to Ruby if he wants a divorce.
Then the Tyrone/Fiz affair will start happening, Kirsty will find out and try to kill them both and will likely die herself in the attempt. I don't think her character is going anywhere for quite some time, though, so anything like this would probably only happen late into next year.
Put her in a living situation with someone even worse than her, then she'll straighten the heck up and Tyrone and Ruby will be in the clear.
I find the acting for Kirsty OTT most of the time. Eva is turning into Tracy with regards to Nick. We don't need three bitches in one soap. I suspect there is a fight between Tina and Kirsty where Tina loses the baby, causing Owen's anger to rise. He will be the one to finish her off. He is so good at that balance of nice-guy and psycho that he will get away with it for a while.
I could easily see a twist whereby Kristi's Mum comes back as in horror to what Kristi is doing and gets her turned in by setting a trap in cahoots with Tyrone and Fiz. All in all its going to be interesting to see how this all plays out, although it can be difficult to watch at times.
I agree with Stephen, she needs to be forced to live in the same sort of living situation she's caused for Tyrone, whether it's prison or a mental facility. Between that and forced education about anger management/violence, she'd be taken down a notch but still have the ability to boil under the surface later with resentment.
I hope Kirsty doesn't die, but she shouldn't stay in the street either. It would be interesting to see her languishing in prison or a mental asylum but I don't think it will happen. If they must kill her off, no explosions or taking hostages please!
I just don't understand why ty don't get a DNA test to prove he is the dad
What if she went to prison....
In every police drama, incarcerated former cops enter prisons with big targets on their backs. And Fiz did make one or two friends while she was inside. Hmmm...
Payback's a b****
BTW, I think NG is so talented she would do a wonderful job as the brutalized victim, at least until Kirsty died or slipped into a coma or summat.
Wish someone with a mobile phone could capture Kirsty at her worse ie: basking Tyrone and threating Fizz and it be shown to one and all at the Rovers - or roy's rolls and Kirsty being caught out flees but never really goes and causes havoc to all she thinks has done her wrong. Now that would be a great end of year special - Kirsty being finally cornered and taken into care -
If she does die please don't let anybody get wrongfully arrested and thrown in prison AGAIN! THAT would be the final straw as far as I'm concerned. Or an explosion due to the gas or even a who done it..... Oh gawd please No.....
As for Tracy being the Street's villain - not for me. She's a dreadful actress, whinges "Maaaam" every 10 minutes if she doesn't get her own way either that or pretends she's pregnant and then grins that awful grin with her arms folded. If she's meant to be anything, she's the street Annoyance rather than Villain.
Oh please get rid, please!
I couldn't believe Tyronne didn't break cover and come to Fizz's aid last night. That obviously didn't fit in with the planned storyline.
Anyone that gives the uber annoying Fizz a pasting is OK with Frosty! Kirsty has mental health issues and is probably a scitsoid (sp). How unbelievably wimpy was Fizz anyhow, she came from a tough mother and faced the Prisoner Cell Block H bullies when it jail, so why a sudden baby when it comes to Kirsty? However, she is correct in that Kirsty could lose it and hurt Ruby. She has to go.
My prediction: Kirsty will die in an accident meant for Fizz and her dying words will be 'I always said you'd be better off without me.'
I wonder why Fizz and Tina haven't compared notes before now. Tina works in the pub and must have have picked up on the animosity between the other two.
Kirstie's Mum shows up again...her Dad comes after her, threatens to kill her in front on Kirstie and she dies trying to save her Mum or her last redeeming gesture. I would've like to see Kirstie beat the shite out of Tracy though.
I'm still waiting for Mad Maya to come back and finish off Sunita - perhaps Sunita can be killed in a gas explosion meant for Fiz, ruby is injured - needs a transfusion and Tyrone is discovered not to be Ruby's Dad but they find the bio Dad and he is a decent man so Tyrone's ok. Kirsty is found guilty of causing the explosion and sent to a psychiatric institution (so she is able to reappear on the st at a later date). Hoping there is not another 'wrong person in prison' story again!!
Kirsty attempts to kill Fiz off by tampering with her boiler but in doing so she kills herself. Her mum and dad fight Tyrone for custody of Ruby. Kirsty's dad kills her mum and is put in jail leaving Tyrone to bring up baby Ruby by himself
Maybe she'll finally snap and hurt Ruby at which point she'll either be carted off for child abuse OR the shame of what hurting her child will make her realise what a monster she is and she'll hurl herself from the top of the factory of death.
Dying would be too good for the nasty cow. I'd rather see her suffering in a mental hospital with big Bertha making her her personal whipping girl.
She could escape further down the line for a little vengeance against the people she's been stewing on whilst incarcerated, ie. Fiz, Tina, Tyrone & her father. I think she should come to a sticky end at the hands of her Dad, as he's a disposable character. Can't really be doing with any more falsely imprisoned regular characters thanks.
OK here's my idea... we already know that Tyrone is going to con Kirsty into marrying him just so that he can get parental rights over Ruby with a view to winning custody of her, well... to stand any chance of getting custody he must have proof that Kirsty is a danger to Ruby. So in the run up to the wedding, he surreptitiously records Kirsty when she's being nasty and violent towards him. On the day of the wedding he pops out to Rita's Cabin and gets held up for a few minutes by getting into conversation with Rita and/or Fiz... he accidentally leaves the tape / voice recorder running, and when he returns home and plays it back, to his horror he discovers that Kirsty has turned on Ruby and shouted at and inflicted violence on her in his absence, perhaps because she's crying and Kirsty is angry about being distracted from getting herself ready for the wedding and panics about being held up.
When Tyrone has to make a speech at the wedding reception, he doesn't say a word, just clicks the play button on the voice recorder... obviously all hell breaks loose, and the plot can take several different directions from there all of which result in her incarceration and/or death... And obviously there's a happy ending for Tyrone and Ruby - and Fiz...
The present concept with him marrying her wouldn't do a thing for him custody wise. The only difference with marrying her would mean that he might be in for paying her half of the equity of his house when they are done with each other. I would like to see Corrie demonstrate actual family law here. That is, the he can charge her with assault, get a restraining order, file for custody pending a dna test. Then he should find out, as would be with reality, no matter the gender, that in family law, while they will award him likely a joint custody and pretty much the schedule he wishes, that Kirsty would have to be in prison before the law might even consider her behaviour dangerous or unhealthy to her child. Perhaps it should be based realistically to be most interesting: that kirsty gets off on all assault charges, that tyrone shares join custody with Ruby, that there are issues with who pays what with child support and who makes what decisions and the conflict that arises with having to do that with a parent who is not safe or reasonable. Perhaps later on, Kirsty can go over the top, in front of everyone and with her father, (killing her father perhaps) her mother and kirsty ends up in the slammer. Then Ty can have Ruby and we can see Kirsty's mother step up to care for her granddaughter. Otherwise this whole marrying plan is not much of a draw to watch. What I usually like about corrie is that it at least tries to be somewhat true to life. ;)
I am so sick of Kirsty I'm going to stop watching the show if they don't make some drastic changes. Watching her and Tyrone going through the same thing over and over raises my blood pressure. Enough!!!! I hate her. I feel bad for the actress who portrays her because she's good, but this kind of constant absurd abuse is not the fun Coronation Street I grew to love.
I feel the same. Wish it would hurry up and get rid of her. I surpose they keep her in to keep people watching it.
I'm so so bored with this story now, so i'm not watching coronation street anymore. It they think a pubic warning to fathers about taking there kids away will work, then i think they should think about putting it into a program that men watch. Maybe a footballer running away with the ball because the other team wouldn't let him play. Once again YAWN!!! finish this mind numbing rubbish now.
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