*Updated* ITV have released a statement to say Ryan Connor will be leaving to attend university, but will be returning regularly and be very much still a part of Michelle's life. We'll have to wait and see if this is the case however, as I recall something similar being said about Amber, who we've never seen again.
Oh dear. Phil 'The Axeman' Collinson is at it again, this time getting rid of Michelle's moody son Ryan.
Reports today have said Ryan will be heading off to Scotland in October after accepting a place at university. But in the case of Dev's daughter Amber, going off to university means you don't return, even for holidays, and are never mentioned again!
Have to say I'm quite disappointed with this one. Fully disagree with the comments in the article about Coronation Street becoming too much like Hollyoaks with it's younger cast, and think the youths we have at the moment - Sophie, Sian, Chesney, Ryan etc - fit in really well on the show.
Here's hoping that's the end of Phil's cull. After Ashley, Claire, Natasha, Trevor, Molly, Jack and Janice, I think we could do with keeping the remaining cast before there's none left!
won't miss this one at all
Whats wrong with this guy. About what 1/5 of the cast gone?
THey've never really done much with him anyway.
Where Ryan leads, Michelle follows. Hopefully.
Was pretty much pointless anyway
btw anonymous, every producer axes characters when they arrive, it's just Phil is axing the right ones.
Plus there was over 60 cast members before the axing, and so far we've only lost seven
Does this mean that 'biological' son Alex will return?
He wasn't much better than Ryan, as I remember...
This is great news. If only he would take his mum with him.....
I wish that he was leaving!!! He's a terrible actor... and somehow I'm surprised that he's going to uni. I miss Amber myself..
Rebecca in TO
Won't miss him either, really.
Well done Phil, you seem to be axing all the right ones... now could you please get Ryan to turn Rosie's girlfriend straight again, and have them go off into the sunset together. That'd be another one crossed off my "must go" list... only Dev to go then I'll be happy.
Bring back Amber. Her character was rather feisty and gave ol' Dev a hard time -- which was fun. The Ryan character wasn't developed much and has little to do except look cross and impatient. If the writers could come up with a good teen angst story -- keep them -- otherwise -- I'd say just axe them all...
Oh well, no sad loss there. Off to write his thesis on "How to be a miserable git". Not a very good actor apart from moody scenes where a grunt and a mumble is enough. Of course, this does leave the way open for the long forgotten but equally miserable Alex, Michelle's real son who she seems to have completely forgotten about!
big mistake axing ryan. he is brilliant he plays his part very well, every likes him he's a realy great young lad and for this Phil Collinson to say it's getting like hollyoaks and needs to get more realife shows he don't have a clue and is rouaning coronation street
Good. But bring back Amber, provided she does not fall for another two bit loser like the kabab boy.
Let's hope it is the beginning of a dung-out for all the Connors - useless lot of characters with thoroughly unpleasant storylines.
A big mistake to have introduced them in the first place.
Agree with Fishwife ...off to Ireland the lot of 'em and bring Maria with ya -- that whiny, useless character. Nothing against the actors -- just bad writing/stories surrounding all of them...
it's not his fault he's not been in a good storyline
A well thought out decision to get rid and don't bring Amber back either (not missed by me). To be honest, I'd forgotten all about her
And if by chance they do re- introduce Michelle's real son, Alex, then I'll have to stop watching. That was one of the worst, not to mention least credible storylines ever to play out on the corrie cobbles.
That said, I'm not saying that they shouldn't have any young characters in the show all together; otherwise they will end up with just an elderly audience which will eventually die off killing the show.
It's just that they need to introduce credible well written young characters, and once they've got them, give them something to do for goodness sake rather than having them just hanging around in the background all the time!
Hey, bring back Fred's Asian beauty. She would liven thing up...really cool little actress.
Orchid /Stacey
I say Orchid / Stacey!
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