The letter will turn out to be from Ken's ex-girlfriend Susan Cunningham and this will lead to Ken's long-lost son and grandson turning up the Street.
But who was Susan Cunningham? I couldn't remember so I did a bit of hard-core research (aka Google) and here's what I found. Susan Cunningham dated Ken around 1960-61 and only appeared in four episodes. She was played by actress Patricia Shakesby who went on to star in Howard's Way.
Our blogger Tvor wrote a summary of Corrie's first episode which introduces Susan, read it here.
You can watch Susan Cunningham on YouTube here, she's the woman in the full skirt, not the one with the dark hair (that's Beryl Bainbridge!).
I also wrote a summary of Episode 1 on my other blog that introduces Susan who was in that first show.
You could put that in the blog post too if you want.
Ha ha, even as a student, Ken was an old fuddydud.
Holy Moly, Ken produced yet another love child? How many are we up to now? What a lethario!
I used to quite fancy Ken but have gone off him with the current Martha fling we have going on in NZ at the moment.
I think its a shame that its not Joanna Lumley's character that they're making the mother. It would be fab is she was in it - even for one episode.
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