This week the update comes to you the day after my birthday, hence the reason it’s a little late this week. Well. do you know how long it takes to blow out them candles? Anyway, without any further ado, here we go with this week's Coronation Street update.
Fiz cuts short her Spanish trip alone because she’s found out she’s up the duff with the evil child of John Stape. John’s over the moon, sets fire to Colin Fishwick’s ID papers and sets about settling down to normal life on the Street. He gets a job at the bookies and starts reading parenting books while Fiz and Natasha bond over babies. Not that Natasha’s pregnant, she’s just pretending she is so she can keep Nick. “I’ve gone right off curries and Branston pickle,” says Fiz. Natasha notes it all down so she knows the right things to say back at the Plattisley love-nest they’re renting from Dev. “Natasha’s gone right off curries and Branston pickle,” reports Nick in the Rovers, and a quizzical look clouds over Fiz’s face.
Natasha’s only gone and had an abortion, thinking that Nick didn’t want to be with her, you see, so he thinks she’s pregnant and as she doesn’t want to lose him, she pretends she’s still up the duff to keep Weatherfield’s most gormless bloke. Gail, as you can imagine, is not best pleased, especially when she’s told off at the health centre for revealing to Nick that Natasha was in with the doctor. Nick bursts into the consulting room with a beam on his face going “I’m the daddy!”. No Nick, you’re the prat. Leanne isn’t happy either when she finds out that Nick’s staying with Natasha and there was a wonderful line in the back yard at the Rovers when Natasha had a word with Leanne and told her to lay off her Nick: “You really should go out and get some waterproof mascara, ‘cos you’ll be crying for the next nine months!”
Audrey, meanwhile, doesn’t take long to shake herself off, dust herself down and start all over again. Rita pops round to have a heart to heart with Audrey and tells her to stop licking her Lewis wounds and get back to the salon quick sharp as David’s in charge and chaos looms large. Hey, that bit rhymed. Audrey takes up the reigns at the salon again and puts the world to rights with a tinted perm and a whiff of L’Oreal. Because she’s worth it.
There’s bad news for Steve and Becky this week when they’re turned down for adoption by the panel at Weatherfield Children’s Services. The panel says it’s too early for them to adopt after Becky’s miscarriages and that Steve and Becky haven’t been together long enough and aren’t stable enough to take on another child. Becky’s on the edge when she finds out that her half-sister Kylie lied on a reference to Children’s Services. There were some lovely touching scenes in this story with Steve and Becky going through hell and then Liz trying to soothe her son’s woes on the back stairs at the pub.
And finally this week, over at the Barlow’s there’s more marital woe for Deirdre and Ken when she banishes him to the spare bedroom. The worst thing was, Ken doesn’t even care. Run, Deirdre, run. Or at least catch the Weatherfield Wayfarer and just get out for a bit.
And that's just about that for this week.
Coronation Street writers this week were Jayne Hollinson, Simon Crowther, Jonathan Harvey, Mark Wadlow and Joe Turner.
Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team.
Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at
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