Disaster is averted on Coronation Street next week when Graeme Proctor saves young Aadi Alahan from falling from Dev's balcony. With things going so well between Sunita and her ex-husband, she decides that it's time they moved back in together. Things soon go awry though when little Aadi locks himself out of the flat on the balcony. Panic ensues as they fear he could fall but our favourite window cleaner spots the commotion and steps in to save the day.
After the drama, it's clear to the Alahan's that the flat is no place to be bringing up 2 small children. Wasting no time they go to view Maria Connor's house, which has been put up for sale after she went to Ireland. The couple agree that the place is perfect (since when? the last place Sunita and the kids were in looked huge and had a garden too) and means that they can stay at the heart of all the Weatherfield action on Coronation Street.
It's dumb, surely he'd move in there?
I'm very confused - Dev bought the big house which Sunita and the kids were living in. And if Maria put the house up for sale where are Kirk and Ozzy - I thought they were living there.
This is just lazy nonsense. There is no conceivable reason whatsoever why a fairly well-off family would abandon a large spacious family home AND a luxury flat to move into a pokey little terraced house - not even a narrow squeek involving a toddler on a balcony.
Totally agree. Stupid, contrived.
Woah. Confused. Why are they moving out of the current property Sunita and the kids live in? Dev and Sunita bought that place years ago before they split? So why would they want #7?
Also why is #7? on the market? We know Maria and baby Liam are returning soonish? Very strange.
Since when is Maria's house up for sale? There's no reason why she would sell it since she is returning, and it's not like she would need the money. And as everyone has said Sunita would hardly swap a large house for a small terraced one! I hope TPTB don't go ahead with this, as it would be a discredit to both characters.
I thought Michelle and Ryan (where are they by the way?) moved in and paid rent when Maria went to Ireland. It is totally ridiculous that Dev and Sunita would leave that lovely spacious tasteful house to move into a two up two down in the middle of the Street with two growing children. I just with the new producer would write the Alahans out.
Michelle and Ryan are in the flat over the kebab shop now. Kirk is staying in Maria's house with Ozzy. When she left, it seemed like she was not planning to return so I'm not surprised she decided to put the house up for sale but we know Tony's coming back on the scene for at least a trial or more so it could be that she changes her mind and comes back.
Although I like Sunita, I think it demonstrates that there no longer a place for the Alahans family on the show, as any attempts to move them onto the Street are going to seem forced and unrealistic.
Why the need to move them in anyway? Audrey lives in a different street, as do Graeme, Natasha, Betty... Dev and Sunita would still be working in the shop, and if Sunita became friends with Claire, say, then the twins would be friends with Josh and Freddie, so they'd come in that way.
In any case it isn't going to happen because Maria will be back.
I do hope you're right Tvor. Can't take any more of the Alahans - though Dev on his own is great.
I agree with all that it's just plain silly that Sunita and Dev would be moving from that great big house, to a smaller one. Doens't make any sense, I can't even figure how they will make it so. It'd be nice to have them back on the street however, don't know why they jsut couldn't stay in Dev's flat. Plenty of children live in flats and don't die off balconies.
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