I wonder if his hatred for Joe was just that much stronger than his supposed hatred for his mother? Let's face it, he did hate Joe. Well, it didn't start off well when he found out that his girlfriend's father was with his mother but it went rapidly downhill when he moved in, usurping David's place at the head of the table, so to speak. Joe certainly didn't win any points when he got addicted to pain pills and tried to rob the health centre. Gail didn't chuck him out. You'd think that would turn David against his mother even more but he took it all out on Joe.
I think he realized how much Joe was dragging Gail down and then when Joe's whole "fake my death" scheme went under, literally, Gail called David for help. She actually needed him and without even knowing what the problem was, he hopped a train to the Lake District. That in itself was a miracle. Since discovering the whole scheme, David was more than willing to do whatever it took to help his mother, even lying for her and covering up by throwing Joe's mobile into the canal which was a bad move after all. Still, seeing him the other day hugging his mother and really meaning it? My head was spinning! I'm sure Manipulative David hasn't gone away and at least he's still spending all his free time sniping at Nick, who's also come back to usurp David's position as the only "man of the house". But he's actually there for his mother and that doesn't 'alf do my 'ead in!
I think the acting of David Platt has been excellent throughout this eye blinking, whispering storyline.
If it wasn't for him we would have switched Gail off ages ago. The character is soooo dull and the acting resembles Roger Moore's eyebrow movement acting class talent!
I think Gail's character has been in long enough - what next ... another husband/partner to come in and then die!
Well said Tvor, fully agree!
David has always been a mummy's boy. The only reason he hated her was because he felt gail had let him down and now he has her to himself as her confidente and protector he's bound to be pleased. David is one of the best characters in corrie, he has so many depths and inconsistencies; that makes him believable. He is so well played and I think he's saved this storyline. He was angry at the world and lashed out but now he has a focus for his energies; protecting his mother and hating tina, who incidentally, is played with absolutely no depth whatever.
I have always liked David Platt - I think he often gets the short end of the wedge and is very misunderstood.
And I totally agree with Anon (above) re his comment about Tina.
Jack P Shepherd has acted the socks off compared to Helen Worth in this story. I agree with all the comments above; David is a complex character and the comparison to Golden Boy Nunick is a great side-story. We know David has hidden depths; he has always been popular with the customers in Audreh's salon. He is this dreadful story's saving grace. Gail should be transported to some isolated island in the wide blue sea asap and we can get on with summat else.
Dolly Tubb
I really like David Platt and he and nuNick are brilliant together - they even look slightly alike!
I think Golden Boy Nick looks more like David's Dad than his bruv. The character is a total plonkert, where did he get all this money £123k to invest in a back street knicker factory and why would he bother?
I was wondering about the £123k as well.
Hey Dilly,
Poor David being misunderstood!!! What is there to understand about a person who has over and over again displayed a viciousness that in real life would have had him put away for many years. He is nothing but a vicious little toe rag. and yes, the role is played brilliantly.
I agree TVOR! I find myself putting him in the "highlights" consistently these days.
He's turned around, but he's still quite "David." So that's nice to see. He's almost looking quite handsome these days too! A personality can go a loooong way.
I agree. David is one of the best and most complex characters in Corrie. I've always stuck up for him! Jack P. Shepherd plays him brilliantly, and, yes, he is rather lush.
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