Firstly, why is Maria's house up for sale? And once it's sold, where will Maria live when she returns? And could the sale of her house signal the fact that Maria's staying in Ireland with Mammy Connor? And finally folks, the question that really matters - where's Ozzy the dog gone?
I hope she is returning, I think she must be because I'm pretty sure I read that Samia Smith starts filming soon. I'm not sure where she would live, maybe she would go back to the salon flat. Mind you, I can't imagine Mammy Connor would be happy about their grandson living in a flat..you can just hear her now ranting about the health hazards of living above a hairdressers!
Maybe when she returns, she will decide to halt the sale or something. I hope she does stay at No 7, it doesn't make sense for Sunita and Dev to move there.
On the contrary I hope she is staying in Ireland but she will be back to resume her place in Corrie. However I did see she is one of the characters on the new producers "death list" although that may just be a rumour.
I wish she was staying away!
"Is Maria Connor returning to the Street?"
Let's hope not.
There are plenty of places she could live. It almost makes sense that she move out of her house, since it'd be a lot more affordable for a young hairstylist widower to be renting than paying a mortgage. She might owe a lot on the house. She could rent Dev's flat from him, or move back into the salon flat sure. She might even buy Jason and Tina's flat which is cheaper. I assume Kirkeh will have to find a new home, however! Don't know where he'll go but he probably won't go far.
as far as i remember the house was already paid for by liam ther ewas no mortgage but maybe theyve changed that-would seem weird her living in a flat with the baby and sunita and dev moving in-in reality she wouldnt leave that big house dev already owns would she
The money Liam got from Tony for his share of the factory left Maria a rather well off young widow. Can't see the need to economize playing a part in her decision to sell. Maybe she feels Tony having lived there has defiled the place, along with her memories of Liam. I could understand her wanting to move if that's the case.
Liam didn't get much for selling the factory to Tony and then lost loads of it in lads rags (where is cousin Tom come to think of it). But why would D & S move into that little terrace? He's got a plush new flat and she has that massive house with no carpets!!
It's possible the mortgage insurance paid off the mortgage when Liam died. I thought i heard that Tony was going to escape. More reason for her to stay away but perhaps she comes back for the trial.
Oh please Maria -- stay away! I'm so tired of you, the baby, and the entire Connor clan! It was sooooo boring watching the unlikely romance between her and Tony --- just a bit better than the worst hookup Molvin.
Stay away, stay away, stay away....
And I am mostly sick of that stupid dumb dog ozzy...
I really hope she is returning. There hasn't been any talk of her not doing so but then again surely she is due back soon? We haven't heard about her returning to filming either. I thought her return was to coincide with Tony's reappearance?
I think it's going to end up like Gail's house[once for sale-the next not].
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