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Saturday 14 November 2009

Rob James-Collier goes missing again

Former Coronation Street “heart-throb” Rob James-Collier (who played Lovely Liam – not the baby, but the murdered father of same) left Corrie to pursue his intention of being a serious actor. We heard nothing about him for many a month. Then we heard that he was taking on a role in the west end production of the play Calendar Girls.

Today I find that he’s been “replaced” in Calendar Girls by someone called Carl Prekopp. I can’t find any explanation why, or what he’s doing now. The Calendar Girls website has removed all mention of him, too. It’s a mystery, but what I’m hoping is that his agent has called him about a job as a maverick surgeon on Holby. I’m sorry, but once the idea of him wearing scrubs got into my head, it just wouldn’t leave.

Reproduced with permission from the fab TV blog PauseLiveAction


Anonymous said...

Bizarre...why can't he find any work? Maybe he's decided that an exit from show business is the way to go. Maybe now he'll start that modeling career that I've been insisting he pursue. ;)

Anonymous said...

Show biz is an incredibly fickle business -- good-looking or not, talented or not -- it's all timing and luck. On the other hand, when opportunity knocks, you better have the chops AND the right attitude AND the resilience to take the abuse and the heat (like any employment situation) because this is and has always been an employers' market -- - way, way more actors, writers, directors, etc. than work available.

I thought his performance as Liam was OK, not great -- perhaps it was the storyline/his character development as well-- but I hope this actor finds his niche and succeeds.

Anonymous said...

He may end up in Holby yet! Word has it that Rob has got a new TV role, hence pulling out of Calendar Girls.

Whatever it is, I can't wait to see him.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I can confirm that he has indeed got a new TV role.

He's appearing on After they were famous!

But seriously, I think he was mad to leave the Street! I thought it at the time and his character is certainly not missed by me.

His annoying lisp made him one of the most irritating characters in the history of the programme.

Leaving a British institution like Coronation Street is a gamble for the best of actors. There are a few who've gone on to do other things, most noticably Geoffrey Hughes (Eddie Yeats) who went on to play the slovenly Onslow in Keeping Up Appearances and also starred in rural drama, Heartbeat. But most actors (possibly because of typecasting) tend to sink without trace (Reg Holdsworth, Fred Gee, Curly Watts, Brian Tilsley, Mike Baldwin etc) and only tend to be heard of starring in little heard of theatres during the panto season.

Tvor said...

I think typecasting makes a huge impact. Actors like the ones that played Reg, Fred Gee, Mike B. are very, very recognizable and it would be difficult to get past their former characters. Kevin Kennedy has had a measure of success but he looks quite different from Curly now that he's aged a bit and doesn't wear glasses. I've seen pics and i wouldn't know it was the same man. Some actors, on the other hand, just aren't that good, really. I sometimes wonder how they last on Corrie as long as they do ("Brian Tilsley"'s portrayer for one)

Anonymous said...

Its a bit of an embarrasment isnt it being in AFTER they were famous. Another one who thought he was bigger than the show, he wasnt in Corrie that long either.

Dilly Daydream said...

Quote: Today I find that he’s been “replaced” in Calendar Girls by someone called Carl Prekopp. I can’t find any explanation why.....

Could it simply be because he's a crap actor?

Clare said...

I'm getting withdrawal symptoms from his lovely face. *swoon*

Anonymous said...

I have two friends that had front row seats for opening night. Carl found out the week before that he would be playing the part. Both friends really enjoyed the show and were very impressed by Julie Goodyear.

Jez said...

Rob is a fantastic actor. I am confident he will get a part in something else.

People forget he has had other parts others than as Liam in Coronation Street, he was in Down to Earth and Casualty - ive seen him in an episode of each and he was amazing. He has also been in a few other dramas albeit as a guest part.

It was very disappointing he didnt appear in Calendar Girls but im sure there is a good reason why he didnt. Im one of his biggest fans.


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