There are lots of dvds featuring Classic Coronation Street and there are dvds that get released for various spinoff episodes but the frustrating this is that they are only viewable in the U.K. unless you have a dvd machine that can play Region 2. North American dvds and machines are Region 1. Well now there are some new releases available in Canada (and the U.S.). E1 Entertainment has released three volumes of Classic Corrie based on the larger boxed sets that were released in the U.K. a couple of years ago. These are two disk volumes with a total of 8 episodes in each volume and the three volumes cover the years 1960 to 1966, so far. I anticipate the rest of the 60s will come along in due time and maybe even a set from the 70s and 80s if we're lucky. The episodes feature all the classic legendary characters and bring you a little bit of Corrie history.
There's a bit more information over here.
The other new release is the Out of Africa dvd, the South African spinoff that was released last year featuring Cilla, Chesney, Fiz and Kirk. The dvd also contains behind the scenes material and interviews with the cast and it's well worth the money. Let's hope the Romanian Holiday one will be forthcoming soon as well.
All these dvds are available on Amazon but I've also seen them in Walmart and Future Shop just to name two of the better known dvd retailers. Christmas is coming! Surely you have made a list or have Corrie fans on your gift list? I know I do!
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