There's a good post over at
The Guardian website pondering who else Tony Gordon should have murdered in addition to Liam and the bats. As the article points out, Tony's court trial should be good and Blanche no doubt will blag a front row seat and a packet of lemon sherberts.
So, if Tony had one last murder in him, who would you have liked him to have got rid of before he gets locked up? My vote's for Mammy Connor,
the woman does my head in.
carla maybe? seen as though jed stones not coming back maybe him even though i like jed it would have been good if he died last x-mas. good shout on mammy connor as you call her but michele connor should have got killed
Mammy Connor indeed!
just one last murder left? If one left, why not a few more for good measure, eh? Pretty please????
1) Gail Platt/MacIntyre
2) Norris - insufferably annoying without a Rita to set him straight
3) Kev-Moll
4) if Kev-Moll, then Aunty Pam, too
5) Jesse/General Custard for crimes against children's entertainment and for bribing/corrupting innocent Simon
(although the other grandpappy is probably guilty of that as well, but he's too new so he's allowed to live this go around...)
6) the rest of the Connor clan...
ohhh...the cobbles are indeed running a slightly reddish color...
Not Carla!!! I think he should have bumped Rosie off, that or shoved her in another attic.
... shoved her (Rosie) AND mother Sally into another attic with nothing to eat except for a shopping bag full of Hayley Cropper's tomato and cheese sammies.
He *should* have bumped off Jimmy! but i'll vote for Rosie!
David "Wants to Play with the Big Boys" Platt
Then the perfect son that Gail put up for adoption when she was 16 can find her and live on Corrie Street
Gail please
It's a no brainer.
He *should* have killed Roy or Hayley for dramatic effect and the episode *should* of been different to fit in that murrdah.
I would've liked him to have murrdahed Gail, Sally, Rosie, Molly, Kevin and Aunty Pam though.
Joe MacIntyre, PLEASE. I would rather listen to Mammy Connor for 24 hours straight than have to listen to Joe whine one more time. What a complete loser! Shove him in front of a fast-moving bus! And there's no doubt tremendous whining and excuse production coming with the Joe and Gail storyline. It's almost too much to contemplate! ack!
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