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Sunday 22 November 2009

Corrie's Romanian Holiday DVD - a fan's review

As a Corrie fan, it's awful to sit down to watch another ITV spin-off DVD, knowing in your heart that it's probably best not to get your hopes up. After watching the disappointing Out of Africa DVD earlier this year, I figured it'd be best just to take what comes on this Romanian Holiday and accept that, like past spin-off DVDs, it probably won't be so great. I'm therefore happy to report that this one's not half bad.

Written by Simon Crowther and Chris Fewtrell, directed by Ian Bevitt, the Romanian Holiday DVD is pretty darn good. I won't spoil the plot for those who haven't seen it, but there's some great laugh-out-loud moments, the dialogue is good and the plot is tight. It's a good Corrie caper, a Romanian romp with our favourite transsexual in Transylvania.

Of course it's the characters who make it so good. How could anything with Roy and Hayley in it not be great? And anything which makes mention of both Bob Stokoe, the FA Cup-winning Sunderland football manager and Sunderland football club is ok in my book. Guest actors John Henshaw and Siobhan Finneran are a great addition to the cast and either of those two would be right at home on the Street itself.

So, in short: Is it worth watching? Yes. Is it worth buying? Yes. Marks out of 10? I'd give it 8.

Corrie fan Martin S has posted some screen shots from the DVD online here.


Anonymous said...

I think as DVD goes I'd give it 9 out of 10.

Like you say, as far as Corrie spin offs go, it's not at all bad. I don't want to give too much away but like you say it did have some funny lines.

For example, when Roy's complaining that he's been kept awake all night by the other couple's loud music and Haley says 'Come off it Roy, you don't know the first thing about pop music' to which Roy retorts 'Well that's not strictly true Haley, I did once go to see the Spinners at the Wigan Empire' Ha Ha.

And what of the moment where John Henshaw goes to swat a fly only for Roy to end up wearing his tomato juice. Laugh Out loud comedy!

All in all, a Corrie DVD which for a pleasant change is well worth buying.

Tvor said...

It looks great but i have to say, i really don't think Roy would *ever* wear that apron! Lol

Sunny Jim said...

All in all I was very surprised with how good this spin-off was. The Cruise video was too long ago for me to remember if it was any good, which suggests it probably wasn't; Las Vegas was a curate's egg; Out of Africa was awful; but Romania was pretty much laugh out loud funny most of the way through.

Annie said...

I told you, I said I told you it was going to be good, bias notwithstanding :)

Poppy said...

This sounds good im a big fan of corrie and planning to buy this for my mum for Christmas :) but where do you buy it?

Tvor said...

I think it's available in any of the places that sell new DVDs such as HMV or Virgin. Amazon online has it but you might not get it delivered in time now.


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