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Thursday 1 October 2009

Yay or Nay: Should Darryl stay in Corrie?

Bad news for fans of Darryl Morton is that the actor who plays him has just filmed his final scenes. In a video inteview here actor Johnny Dixon confirms that Darryl will disappear from Coronation Street next month as his character has been written out.

And although a Corrie spokesperson says: "The door has been left open for Johnny and Darryl to return in the future," I'm really sad as I think Darryl is a brilliant character. If he has to go, I want him back asap please. What do other fans think?

See also: Is Darryl Morton the new Curly-Kirkeh?


HertsMan said...

Really gutted about this, I've liked Darryl from the start and hoped he would come into his own after the Mortons left.

Here's hoping for a future return!

Deborah said...

It's a yay from me. Hope they bring him back ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Meh. I'm indifferent when it comes to Darryl. Yes, I like him, but sometimes I forget about him until he pops on screen. It seems as though Graeme is David's new "#2" and that's left Darryl out to sea somewhere. He'll be missed - but I'll move on.

Anonymous said...

I wish he would stay. Him and Amber make a good couple.

Serenity said...

He was the only good Morton!! Bring him back soon!

Walzing Matilda said...

Sorry I think he is a bit of a spare part now, they should either have kept the Mortons as a family (with Jerry) or got rid of the lot of them, they brought Darryl and Theresa back and now dont seem to know what to do with them. So its a NAY from me.

Anonymous said...

I'm inclined to agree with Walzing Matilda on this one.

I liked the Mortons when they were introduced to the programme and for me the character of Darryl was reminiscent of a young Curly Watts and provided some good comedy moments. However, now that the others have been written out and without the presence of a strong father figure to hold the family unit together the characters of Darryl and also Theresa have become increasingly unstoryworthy and irrelvant (Where does Darryl supposedly now live in the show?)

As another has remarked, he has also increasingly been supplanted by Graeme Proctor in the role of David's best mate; so, it's difficult to see where they can now go with the character.

So, on balance, I think it's the right decision to write him out.

Anonymous said...

Yay - I say bring him back WITH Jerry! Daryl and Jerry were the only two Mortons that really were worth having around. I agree, he was good with Amber and overall he is a likeable character.

Tvor said...

IT's too bad but yes he's been a spare part through most of the time he's been on Corrie. I am guessing he'll move to London with Amber or he'll go to Spain. I suppose that will be Teresa will be off to parts unknown as well.

Cobblestone said...

They really should bring him back with Jerry. Jerry's exit storyline proved that there was plenty of interest in the Mortons if only the writers do their job properly. They saw the potential in Theresa, brought her back and are now letting her down badly. The loss of her son, the only character she has any close tie to, will make matters worse. They did the same thing years ago when they brought back Debbie McAndrew as the wonderfully acerbic Angie Freeman and then promptly failed to write anything of interest for her in plot-terms, but more damaging still, they failed to write any of those zinger lines she had been famous for. Shabby writing!
Jerry still ownes a house on the street. I remember the incoming producer hinted strongly that he WOULD be returning. Let's have him back with teh amiable Darryl in tow.

Anonymous said...

The ONLY good Morton.Bring him back ASAP!


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