Sinead and Daniel have been rowing in the run up to their wedding, talk us through their relationship right now?
They’re a young couple who’ve been through so much for their age and the stress of it all, and having a young baby, is taking its toll. Sinead’s had the all clear from her cancer, she’s in remission, but in the back of her head she’s always thinking is it going to come back. Daniel just wants everything to be perfect because of all the trauma they’ve been through but Sinead just wants to pour all her energy into her son and creating a business and feels she hasn’t really got time to be planning a wedding, especially when in her eyes they’re already married. So they do get ratty with each other but then the tables turn and Sinead decides to surprise Daniel with a wedding this time which is really nice.
Having witnessed a ‘look’ between Daniel and Bethany, is Sinead worried there is something going on between them?
Sinead’s not stupid, she does see the look and any girl who saw that is going to feel she has to ask the question, even though she doesn’t really think there’s anything going on. But as a woman she doesn’t feel good about herself right now, she’s been through a lot, she’s a young mum and she can’t compare herself to Bethany. I think it’s more about Sinead’s insecurities than any real fear that there’s something going on.
On the day of wedding how is Sinead feeling? Is she sure of her relationship with Daniel?
She’s very excited, from the moment she wakes up she feels elated, it’s the happiest day of her life. She’s so in love with Daniel, after her chat with Bethany she feels confidant there’s nothing going on and it has solidified her feelings for Daniel. Everything is perfect in Sinead’s eyes, she just wants to have a happy day with her husband.
How does she react when Beth finds a lump on Sinead’s neck as she does her hair?
It’s like she’s been shot, everything stops, it’s the worst feeling in the world because she knows what that means. I think she was always anticipating it and that makes it worse, she always thought it was going to come back and her suspicions were right. Beth tries to calm her down about what it could be but Sinead instantly knows the cancer is back, she just knew. Her whole world just falls apart.
Does she still want to go ahead with the wedding?
Yes, she just finds some strength to get through the day and try and enjoy it. She doesn’t know how advanced the cancer is and in that moment she’d rather not know so she can enjoy the day.
How does Daniel react when she confides in him about the lump?
Daniel just wants to go straight to the hospital, he wants to protect her and get it checked out straight away, so in that moment he just wants to forget about the wedding but she still wants to feel the romance of the day. He’s instantly upset, he’s in shock and his world has come crashing down too. It’s so sad, at the beginning of the episode you can see that they’re both so happy but this is the worst news they could possibly have and they’re both just devastated.
Is the wedding bittersweet for Daniel and Sinead?
It’s bittersweet, Daniel and Sinead are going through the motions, trying to enjoy it but there’s just that underlying feeling of sickness about what’s to come. They try to have a nice day, enjoy their first dance but they just can’t escape it, they’re both really scared, they don’t know what the future holds.
The next day they go to the hospital and Sinead get the news they’ve been dreading? How do Sinead and Daniel deal with the news?
I think they’re both just broken, we just tried to play it with as much realism as we could, they’re both in disbelief, Sinead doesn’t understand she just wants to be a mum to Bertie, she wants to know how long she’s got left. They’re both completely devastated and in shock and all the emotion just comes pouring out, she just can’t keep it in. They have to tell the family next and Sinead doesn’t want peoples sympathy she just wants to go home, get away from everybody and be with Daniel and Bertie. She’s scared but she’s also very proud and the last thing she wants is everyone’s sympathy, she just wants to be treated like a normal person.
This news is devastating for Sinead, have you been working with any charities supporting families going through this?
I’ve been working with Mummy’s star, they specialise in helping families and women who’ve been suffering from cancer in or around pregnancy. It’s been really helpful chatting to them, some of the families and the founder Daniel who’ve been through this in real life. Every story is different, and it’s quite a unique experience battling cancer in pregnancy, Sinead blames herself, so their advice and support has been very gratefully received.
Glenda Young
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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