As with every Christmas in Soapland, the day never runs smoothly. A betrayal here, a mysterious accident there, means that there isn’t much festive cheer about, but a small ray of it this year came from Ken Barlow.
I know, I’m surprised too.
Arriving with his suitcase in tow, the Barlow’s grimaced as Ken pulled out his Christmas bells. Albeit more dictator than director, jingling Ken’s bells is a very serious business.
He gave the very important role of triangle to Sinead, causing some disarray. Kirk then became largely unsettled as the ‘F’ bell proved to be too stressful, but matriarch Ken saved the day and soon a
Light-hearted humour is critical when you’ve got Jenny running people over and Tim flipping tables, especially at Christmas.
To top it off, Ken told a story about Uncle Albert, a fitting blast to the past.
Sophie Williams
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