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Over at the Rovers, Jenny and Johnny hold a grand re-opening of the Rovers after Johnny’s name goes up at the pub - but no-one turns up. Then Jenny announces she’s revamping the place, renaming it Roverz (with a zed), dropping the hotpot and putting halloumi kebabs and beetroot burgers on the menu. Up goes the tarpaulin and scaffolding around the pub and Seb and Gary are called in to give the place a makeover. Everyone on the street wants to know what’s going on, of course, which is exactly what Jenny hoped for. At the grand unveiling there’s a crowd of at least, ooh, four people queueing to get in and they’re relieved to see that inside the pub it’s the same as it always was.
Haseen Habeeb passes away this week. Who? Indeed. It’s Rana and Imran’s dad and I can’t understand why else they would kill off this character other than to have Rana in tears most of this week and Kate trying to console her. Imran is understandably upset at the death of his dad and he sleeps with Leanne after chatting her up in the Rovers. She’s not best pleased when she finds out that Imran used her in his grief, but soon puts it all behind her and applies for – and is given – the role of PA in the solicitors’ office.
Faye tells Seb that she’s moving back to Weatherfield from Durham where she moved to with her mum Anna. But Seb has got his eye on Emma and there’s definite chemistry between them so he’s not too happy to have Faye back on the scene.
Sally’s problems with dodgy Duncan go from bad to worse this week. The police tell Sally that they need evidence in the form of the phone that Duncan said Sally used to send him all the saucy text messages. And would you know it, the phone turns up in a gutter above Sally’s conservatory (where else?). She’s nicked, Tim’s convinced his missus has been having an affair and it all looks like it’s coming down on Sal’s head.
Audrey gets a visiting order from Lewis in prison on the same day that Gail finds a deposit of £40,000 into her bank account from Lewis too. Just what is he up to? Audrey tries to find out when Lewis is released from jail and claims undying love for her. She rings Gail and pretends she’s on a cruise – the HMS Valley of the Stars – but Imran knows the ship went out of action months ago. Gail’s suspicious and goes round to Audrey’s only to find Lewis there. Audrey wants to talk to Gail in private and sends Lewis out of the way to her bedroom. “He’ll be rifling through your knick-knacks!” warns Gail. Meanwhile, it can’t be a coincidence that Claudia has turned up back on the scene at the same time as Lewis, can it? Gail forces Audrey to choose between Lewis or her family, and Audrey chooses Lewis. Oh dear. When David finds out what’s happened he and Gail hatch a plan to kidnap their gran and they lock her inside the salon to keep her away from Lewis. But she isn’t there long before she’s back at Lewis’ side professing undying love.
Homeless Sean finally reveals his situation to Billy the vicar and is taken in with a hug and back at Eileen’s, for now. But Sean’s homeless friend Carol gets beaten up and is in a bad way. Now that Sean’s been saved from a life on the streets, can he save Carol too?
Elsewhere, Rita receives a cheque for £15,000 when her annuity matures. Next thing we know, Henry is being chased down the street by two posh bully-boys, demanding £20,000 from him ‘or else’. Henry runs back to Rita’s flat and tries to find her cheque, but Rita’s got it in her handbag and returns to the flat to find Henry rummaging in her drawers. Henry fobs her off with a lie about looking for something that he’s lost and Rita seems to believe him, which was odd. But then we see Henry eye up the cash in the till at the Rovers knowing it would help pay his debt to the two posh lads. But dare he steal it? No, not quite. So he pretends to chuck himself down the cellar steps at the pub and says he’s going to claim on the insurance. Ooh, Jenny’s face was a picture.
And finally this week, Dev and Gina split up.
HOSPITAL KLAXON 1: Blinded Josh is visited by Billy.
HOSPITAL KLAXON 2: Sean takes his friend Carol after she’s been beaten up.
And that’s just about that for this week.
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This week’s writers were Mark Wadlow and Owen Lloyd-Fox (Monday); Jonathan Harvey and David Isaac (Wednesday); Ellen Taylor and Owen Lloyd-Fox (Friday). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at
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I know I'm easily annoyed but some things hit you smack in the face. This is the 20th century. Insurance companies don't send cheques for that amount of money. Rita's a businesswoman and she would, in any case, want the funds electronically transferred to her bank account. Cheques go missing as well as being nicked. What was Henry going to do with the cheque? Cross Rita's name out, cash it in his name and give the cash to the heavies all in 24 hours. Similarly with the cellar stairs 'accident', perhaps Henry hoped the new owners would pay him off in ready money. I also don't accept that Tim would suspect Sally. He knows what a slime ball Duncan is. Cue burgeoning romance with Gina. Viewers will be in uproar, or so the writers hope, if Tim and Sally split. This is a storyline to energise the Twitter fans. Perhaps they've been quiet since Phelan left us. Now that Johnny and Jenny have had their domestic problems, I hope we can look forward to interesting, non- Liz MacDonald storylines in the Rovers.
I hate when new characters waltz in with a big story in tow and hope this isn't what happened with Henry. Yeah, he’s not brand new but he’s newly returned, with several monkeys on his back. We liked the funny rich kid fish out of water; the incompetent target of the equally incompetent thugs, not so much. Last month 20k would have been nothing for him or any of his posh pals. Did he, like Sean and David and Aidan, never learn to ask for help? If so, that makes 4 stories on the same theme in 6 months and that’s a bit much. And a sorry state of affairs for young men.
What is the £20K for exactly? Supposedly to repay Henry's fianceé's parents for the wedding, but the engagement was only announced recently. Surely they haven't paid for the wedding already? Henry is painted as a comedy character - him trying to pluck up courage to throw himself down the stairs was quite funny - but to consider robbing Rita, who's given him a home, is just wicked. As for the insurance claim, he won't get far without a doctor's confirmation of his "injury"!
Habeeb Nazir? Rana's dad was Hassan Habeeb; he's not a Nazir at all.
Noted and changed! Cheers.
Humрty - much as I рreferred the 20th Century, we have to acceрt it's now the 21st! ;)
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