Lies, games and Santa Claus, all featured on the second Wednesday episode. And for those who are longing for Carla and Peter to get together, it is clearly not going to be plain sailing here, quite yet.
Carla sets a test for Peter. Nobody likes tests, I remember doing them at school and they can make you quite nervous, but this particular test is one which Peter Barlow, does not even know he is taking. Carina is an interviewee, who has the look of Tina McIntyre about her, and Peter seems to get on with her like a house on fire. But, when the crunch comes, about giving this candidate a job he declines, as he does not want a Tina lookey-likey reminding him of past mistakes. he has passed the test, but how will he react when he realises this is a set up? Leanne clearly thinks this is a Carla style game, will Peter?
I know Kana as a concept are really popular, but I am starting to tire of Rana's tears, and even her brother takes the mickey out her constant crying tonight, in a jokey way. Rana seeks advice from Imran, should she let Kate go off into the sunset and make peace with her mum? Mum did attempt to kidnap her, but since her dad died, the poor girl has been all over the place. Kate is putting demands on here, also. This story is emotive and I understand that it might help people going through something similar, but I find Rana's mum so monotone, cold and almost panto-esque, that it leaves me feeling quite emotionless.
Meanwhile, Mary's crazy undercover scheme to organise a vow renewal for boring Jude and his jaded wife, Angie is now out in the open. Jude finds out, after Angie rushes out of a romantic meal that he has organised. These two are done, finito and so am I. lol Because of the ridiculous lie about Jude's job, and his wife finding out he sold rulers with fish on them, and that was the extent of his knowledge of fish at work, there is simply nowhere for these two to go. I cod go on!
Simon is grabbed by masked teens and they force him into a waiting car. Sadly, Kate spots this happening and intervenes. I sadly, because Simon has been so sulky and moody, that I have been longing for this to take place! Kate drags him to safety and Simon reveals to his family, that he has been receiving threatening texts. Peter does a Phil Mitchell and says he will protect Peter, at whatever cost. I don't think we have seen the end of this particular storyline.
Poor Brian has applied for a job as a teacher, believing that he has a 'Nanny McPhee' effect on kids, because Fiz and Chesney's sprogs love the man, and always behave really well for him. But, they think he is Santa, and Tyrone finds out this news and decides not to tell the kids just yet. I spy Brian getting the job and not knowing what he has let himself in for when his mere presence is not enough to calm down a room full of naughty ankle biters. Where's Jack Black and his School of Rock, when you need them?
That's it, bye for now!
By Glenn Meads
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I thought Brian used to be a teacher? Wasn't that how he was first introduced, way back when? Or are we supposed to have forgotten that backstory?
Brian was the headmaster at the school he has applied to. Maybe he is missing what he thinks is his calling. I can't remember why he gave up the headship though.
How on earth did the lad (Tyler?) threatening Simon manage to put glass in his food? Totally unbelievable.
I think Brian gave up the Headship because he got a job in Wales (causing him to split up with Julie.) He was an awful teacher and had no rapport with the kids. Then he reappeared as Environment "czar" at Weatherfield council. Pompous and boring character, I wish they'd write him out.
You used humour well to critique this episode, Glenn! This was an unfortunate collection of annoying things, and people over-acting (Rana's oceans of tears) and under-acting (Rana's mum). I agree it's an issue of cultural import, but would better serve if better done.
Peter's odd since he came back with Toyah. It's like he can't decide who he is any longer. Reformed family man, or part-time middle-aged rogue? And then when he does explode as he did about Simon / Tyler, he can't seem to bring out the power of Peter of old.
Jude, son of Mary, please just go away.
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