Sally Ann Matthews, who plays new Rovers Return landlady Jenny Connor, was on Good Morning Britain this week talking about taking over the iconic pub.
She said that Jenny wants to turn the Rovers into a gastropub with a brand new menu, which could mean getting rid of Betty's hotpot! Say what?
She said: '"Jenny loves a mood board, she wants it to be upmarket and fancy schmancy and she might just get her way. You get comfortable heels for the job because you’re on your feet all day. So far so good. Obviously it was very stressful because she didn’t want to go into the Rovers but we managed to pack, move, get a licence and train up all in 24 hours which was quite handy."
You can watch the full interview below:
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Slightly reminiscent of when a young Jack and Annie Walker moved into the place. Annie didn’t want to initially either.
I haven't heard the American/Yiddish expression 'Fancy schmancy' for years. Is it back in fashion? Sally Ann Matthews says it in an interview and Billy said it tonight about the posh hotel Sean and his cousin went to. Co-incidence, maybe, or perhaps the scriptwriters write the actors' interview spiel.
I'm having a hard time getting used to the return of the lovely couple that was Jenny and Johnny, with their rapport. Johnny treated Jenny appallingly and abusively after Aiden's death (only weeks ago), and I seem to remember he only got back with her to spite Liz because of her berayal of him taking his granddaughter. And now, just weeks later, it's all forgotten! I can't look at him the same way, which is a shame as I liked the character with Jenny.
It's a soap so we know it will all come out. Beware Johnny.
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