The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and it’s going to be a sad day for Kate and #Kana fans as Rana leaves the street.
When Imran’s mum tries to persuade him to join her on her six-week cruise, he asks Kate to suggest it to Rana instead, claiming they could build bridges. Kate flatly refuses, pointing out that Imran’s just trying to wriggle out of going himself.
But after Alya urges Rana to make the most of any chance to get along with her mum, Imran can barely conceal his delight when Rana reveals she’ll accompany Saira on the cruise. Admitting that Hassan had cut Rana out of his will, she asks Imran to split his inheritance now that Rana’s seen sense. Unable to keep up her pretence Rana admits she still loves Kate and they never split up. How will Saira react? Kate gives Rana an ultimatum, if she goes on the cruise she won’t wait for her, Rana’s gutted and she seeks Imran’s advice. Will the girls make up before Rana leaves?
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Does anyone really care about this couple anymore? They are one step above Jude and Angela on the boring scale.
Errr Where have you been? they have a huge fandom. The most popular couple on Corrie in terms of Social media presence, no other couple even comes close, which is why they are constantly been pandered too
Uh, it's six weeks, not six years. Seems like an over-reaction. She was so in love with Rana that she was willing to be a mistress and break up a marriage, but six weeks for Rana to rebuild her damaged relationship with her mother is too much to ask?
I agree with you Laura. Very immature for their ages and life experience. I can't stand to watch either of these women, together or separately, before they were a couple and after. Screeching and apologizing... ad nauseum.
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