RANA’S BEING PULLED LEFT RIGHT AND CENTRE Saira’s delighted when Rana offers to go on the cruise. Admitting that Hassan had cut Rana out of his will, she asks Imran to split his inheritance now that Rana’s seen sense. Unable to keep up her pretence Rana admits she still loves Kate and they never split up. How will Saira react? Kate gives Rana an ultimatum, if she goes on the cruise she won’t wait for her, Rana’s gutted.
A FAMILIAR FACE THROWS CARLA As Carla prepares to interview new machinists, viewing their profiles online, she’s struck by an idea and asks Peter to attend the interviews. Michelle’s shocked to see one of the applicants is the spitting image of Tina McIntyre. What is Carla up to?
JUDE’S HANGING ON BY A THREAD Mary hands out invites for Jude and Angie’s surprise vow renewal ceremony, unaware they’re having marriage guidance counselling and are barely speaking. Jude worries when Angie pulls out of their latest session.
SIMON LIVES IN FEAR Simon returns from court with a referral order but remains fearful of giving evidence against Tyler who is making his presence felt.
ELSEWHERE Believing that Liz is pining for Mike (rather than Johnny) Gemma vows to take action. Brian applies for the teaching post but Cathy’s worried when Chesney discloses the kids only behave for Brian because they think he’s Santa.
WILL PETER PASS CARLA’S TEST Carla watches intently as Peter interviews Carina, the Tina lookalike. Will Peter fall into her trap or prove he’s a changed character?
CAN KATE CONVINCE RANA TO STAY? A tearful Rana seeks Imran’s advice.
JUDE’S IN ON MARY’S SECRET When Jude surprises Angie with a romantic meal for two she rushes out. Jude catches Mary and Tracy planning the vow renewal. Knowing where Angie’s head is at will Jude tell Mary to stop?
SIMON’S IN DANGER Two masked teens grab Simon in the street and force him into a waiting car. Seeing what’s happening Kate grabs Simon, dragging him to safety. A jittery Simon shows his family the threatening texts he’s been receiving. Peter vows to protect his son, no matter what.
ELSEWHERE Tyrone’s amused to learn the kids think Brian’s Santa but insists they must be set straight. However when he witnesses the threat of Brian keeping the children in check, he decides not to tell them just yet. Having been alerted to her plan by Steve, Liz orders Gemma not to contact Mike.
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I just don't know what Carla expects to achieve with this "test". Does she really think Peter might jump the bones of this girl in the middle of an interview?
Sorry but that actress looks nothing like Tina! The only thing similar is the hairdo.
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