Welcome to the first of tonight’s two episode reviews...
Carla and Peter are both announcing their presence as the new (old) owners of the factory. Carla has a 50p pay rise for Sarah (seriously why bother?) and some customary sarcastic put-downs for the rest of the team whilst Peter is buying them all cakes and free drinks. I don’t think you need to be Poirot to work out which new boss might be the good cop.
Imran is unrepentant in his support for Dodgy Duncan: ‘It’s not personal it’s just business’ he tells Sally and Geena, clearly channelling his inner Michael Corleone. Note to Street residents: if Imran ever offers you a trip in a fishing boat, just turn it down. But never fear Geena is on the case and has hired a ‘bull-mastiff with a law degree’. It’s ‘Princess Paula’ an old school friend of the Seddon girls who is now a specialist in fraud cases and is luckily prepared to work for mate’s rates despite presumably not having seen either of them for about 35 years.
Over at the hospital, Rana is still being barred from seeing her Dad by Saira DeVille. Desperate to see her dying father Rana pretends she has broken up with Kate and in a scene creepily reminiscent of Carrie is forced by her mother to ‘confess’ how sinful she is and how her relationship was ‘shameful against nature’.
Meanwhile the Platt’s are having a busy day. Audrey has had a visiting order from Lewis and Gail has a new job, (courtesy of Sarah) doing Gary’s admin. Gary looks about as thrilled as a vegan who’s been given a KFC mega bucket. As he tries unsuccessfully to work on his forced smile Gail gets an unwelcome surprise of her own. Lewis Archer has mysteriously transferred £40k into her account. What is the sly silver fox up to?
We'll have to wait until 8.30 to find out...

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1 comment:
Re Sarah's 50p pay rise - think about it - if that's 50p per hour and she works a 40 hour week for 50 weeks - that's an extra 1,000 pounds at the end of the year. Granted there's taxes off and all - but still, it's a decent enough amount.
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