Corrie fans took to Twitter on Sunday as Pat Phelan struggled to live
up to his own bad guy standards in a lovely one hour weekend episode. Pat showed
glimmers of humanity as Andy struggled with his injuries in the dark, insect ridden
cellar he has been keeping him in, and we saw him wrestle with his desperate
need to neutralise Andy to avoid the risk of exposing his past crimes, against
his desire to be the better man daughter Nicola keeps saying he is.
One tweet proclaimed Connor McIntyre's Phelan was one of the
greatest characters in Coronation Street history.
Another praised Phelan's 'baddie' credentials.
Others commented on Connor’s performances.
Some, as always, disagreed.
There has been much praise for Connor on the CoronationStreet blog, and Corrie producers obviously see the value of his character,
giving him his own family and so far, seemingly allowing him to get away with
his crimes. That could be about to change of course - nobody gets away with it forever!
It’s really great to see the public engaging with this
character and storylines on social media, and it’s encouraging that so many
younger viewers are enjoying the show, hopefully securing another 57 years of
Britain’s best TV show.
Twitter: @StevieDawson

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To be perfectly honest with you, I wish I could just skip through the Phelan parts, it's not that I don't like his acting, I've just had enough of this storyline. I don't even care anymore. I'm sure Andy will be back so let's just have him back and hopefully Pat Phelan ends up in the grave instead so we don't have to go through a long drawn out trial.
Hi Susan, I agree, I find this sickening. I feel ill when I see Andy in the cellar. I like Corrie to escape the stress of the day, this is so disturbing. I am hoping Andy gets better and escapes.
As much as I agree, Phelan has been a superb villan, however, it's not something I want to watch on an early evening soap. I really have had enough. Get rid Asap.
Jeanie (anon):
Agree with the comments above! This story line is just too grim and realistic--sickeningly close to what killers do to their victims (eg. covering Andy's face before killing him). The fact that both actors are doing such a great job conveying their characters just makes it that much more unsettling. Usually when someone's imprisoned in a soap the tone is not as dark, gothic, and sadistic--eg. when Chesney was held captive by John Stape. A soap, ultimately, is meant to be about escapism, not a realistic rendition of how sadistic killers psychologically and physically torment the victims they've imprisoned. That's a whole other genre and out of place in Coronation Street. (I think, anyways).
Didn't he have a wife for the longest time?
Oi oi !
Corrie turned into Saw lol
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't care how good an actor Mr. Macintyre is, the character is ATROCIOUS. Get him off air NOW!
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