How has Seb and Faye’s relationship been going prior to Faye’s plan?
It has been going very well. Obviously Seb has been keeping secrets from Faye but she is an escape for him. They are madly in love and it is a bit of forbidden love, a bit like Romeo and Juliet.
How does Seb feel about running away with Faye?
Seb has other responsibilities that Faye doesn’t know about so although it would be his dream to run away with Faye, he can’t because of his responsibilities - he is torn.
How does he react when Anna finds him in a layby?
Anna is the last person he wants to see! At that moment in time, Seb just feels like he needs to get home.
When Anna sees how he is living, what are his first thoughts?
Seb is ashamed and embarrassed and he doesn’t want Faye to know. No one knows this secret and he wants to keep it that way. Especially taking into consideration his relationship with Anna, she doesn’t like him, it fuels anxiety for him.
Does he trust Anna after the rocky relationship that they have had?
Seb really wants to trust Anna but because of their history and Anna’s nature he is very wary and there is still doubt in his mind. But he doesn’t have a choice!
How has Seb been coping living with his young twin siblings?
It’s more of a situation where he is treading water, trying to keep on top of it all but it’s definitely a struggle. The situation could be worse, in fact the situation has been worse before so that is always hanging over him - he can’t really handle it even though he tells himself he can.
Are you excited for the audience to learn more about Seb and his story?
Yes, it will be interesting to see what people think about his story because Seb has always been a bit of a delinquent, a bit aggressive without being provoked. I’m looking forward to people seeing why he is the way he is.
Seb has been keeping this secret to himself, does this explain some of his wild behaviour, for example when he punched Jackson in the street?
Totally. His past and his home life definitely explains why he is so aggressive to people, why he doesn’t trust people, why he has this alpha-male complex… because he has had to be the man of the house when he shouldn’t have to be.
Has it been challenging to film a more serious storyline as Seb?
Yes it has, definitely. It has been more challenging because I’ve really thought about it and put time into it, working out where all the emotion is going to come from within myself and understanding where it comes from in Seb.
What do you enjoy most about working with Ellie and Debbie?
We all bounce off each other really nicely and get on really well so it’s a relaxed atmosphere and we are so comfortable with each other. That’s all you can ask for.
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Is this leading into the storyline that will bring about Anna's departure, I wonder?
Who was watching them while he was in jail?
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