After Roy saves Cathy from the fire, we'll learn that Cathy actually caused the fire herself.
It's reported that she'll explain to medical staff that she fell asleep on the sofa, while cooking.
Oh dear.
One fan on twitter suggested to Melanie Hill, who plays Cathy, that with Cathy's house no longer habitable after the fire that Cathy might move back into Roy's Rolls with Roy. The actress has retweeted this... I wonder if it'll be true?
We know that David Neilson, the actor who plays Roy on Coronation Street, is taking a break early in 2016. Might Cathy be the one to run the cafe while Roy's gone?
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I really love Roy and Cathy together and I'm hoping that the powers that be will grow their relationship. However, it doesn't seem likely with David leaving for three months. It seems more plausible there will be a break-up, which is a shame. Still, it seems likelier than she moves in. I love Melanie Hill in the role and love her acting with David Neilson. I hope they keep them together.
I reckon she'll run the cafe in Royston absence. I also think Alex will be Alans son. I also reckon Roy will be away yo look after sylvia.
Another fire?!Affairs,fires, murders or accidental pregnancies is all that we see these days.As for Cathy perhaps she can move in her sister's flat and look after Alex since Nessa always seems to be at the Barlows.
That's what I thought that Roy will be looking after Sylvia as she is taken ill or something. I hope he and Cathy remain a couple as I love them together, but it could split them. That being said, if Cathy falling asleep was brought on by some kind of faint/blackout it might make their relationship stronger. It will depend how he reacts to her being the cause of the fire albeit that it was accidental. I hope they explore it in a sensitive way because I would enjoy seeing their relationship grow.
We shall have to see what happens. But I think Cathy and Roy will stay together as there's no really reason why they should break up. In face I hope Roys absence makestthem stronger. For Roy to show do much physical openness even in the publicity photos for the fire . The relationship has to grow
I think you're right they might be closer in the adversity and I hope they are. David Neilson and Melanie Hill act really well together and are a good pairing in my opinion. However, we will have to see what happens after the fire and whether it changes them for the worse or better. Roy certainly looks appreciative and thankful that she is safe in the publicity shots and I'm hoping it makes him realise that he loves her.
The community centre clearly needs to evolve from cooking and art classes to birth control, STDs and fire safety as public service messages. They could also benefit from Social Services and Police liaisons to help build relations (and keep an eye on things).
It's interesting. I think that there's a great opportunity to develop Cathy in the 3 months give her chance to shine. She's had very little screen time for us to learn about her character since July. It should be a good platform for a stronger dynamic when Roy returns.
I really like Roy and Cathy as a couple. David and Melanie play them brilliantly, but David having the break when he does might signal the end of their relationship unless he does go off to look after Sylvia and Cathy looks after the cafe as some have said here. The fire might be a way of bringing them closer orcould be bad for their relationship. Whatever happens they will act it well as they always do. I'd like to see them closer and develop as a couple, but we might get the opposite who knows?
I don't know if Cathy will move in with Roy after this especially as David Neilson is having a break. I can't fathom how he'd move her in with him and then just disappear. I would like them to stay together too but it leaves questions as to how they would manage it.
I really think that Cathy coping without Roy at the cafe could be interesting whilst he's away. As we could see who she is. Roy is her world so with out him in Royston world well understand her. Long distance relationships can work and be interesting I know I am in one ! But as you say well see.
Cathy has had scenes without Roy such as at the community centre with Yasmeen, scenes with Nessa and a friendship with Anna. She also had drinks with Audrey once. I do enjoy all Cathy's scenes as I like Melanie Hill's acting. I feel that we have learned a lot about Cathy, but with Roy gone there is an opportunity to learn more. I hope they are kept as a couple because I love David Neilson and Melanie Hill acting together as some have said and I have enjoyed the Roy/Cathy story arc.
The obvious thing would be for Cathy to stay with her sister after the fire, but as she and Nessa have a rivalry I don't know if that's likely. Unless, of course it's put aside after something much more important like this. I suppose she could end up living with Roy and they grow closer before he leaves, but as someone said it depends on how he takes it when it emerges that she caused the fire even if it was accidental. I do hope they remain together but I don't know how they will choose to handle David's break in the writing.
I didn't like Cathy at first but she has grown on me. Love her and Roy together.
I really hope she stays on the show.
I love them together and I think that Melanie Hill is a great actress and great addition to the show. I really hope the writers think of a way to maintain the relationship during David Neilson's break. They're excellent together.
I reckon Roy finding out about Nessas affair with Cathys husband will bring them closer after the argument of him not telling the truth in the first place. I think it will be great corrie.
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