So what's to do about Nessa and how do we feel about her? I'm loving her interaction with Amy and last night when Amy once again channeled nana Blanche as she tackled Nessa at No. 1 was sublime.
From news read in this week's double issue of Inside Soap, we know that Nessa and sister Cathy are going to have a bit of a run in. Roy finds a letter at Cathy's house from her late husband Alan. In scenes to be aired after Christmas, Roy will discover that Nessa had an affair with Alan.
Nessa also seems to have forgotten all about her son, Alex.
As well as all of this, Nessa will continue to battle with Audrey for Ken's affections. She asks Audrey to do her hair for a night out with Ken and Audrey gives her a haircut from hell. But never mind that, the picture of the hairdo in the salon shows the Renshaw Twins are back!
So what do you make of Nessa? Is she good for Ken and should Kenessa(*) be a 'thing'? Is she good for Corrie? Or do you wish she'd pop off and leave us all alone?
(*)I've just made that up.
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As it's pretty clear that Ken will eventually end up with Audrey, I am quite enjoying Nessa's vampish charms. It's certainly a far more interesting and original "love triangle" than many the Street has seen.
But hearing all about Ken's prowess in bed at his advanced age was a little hard to stomach, as was Amy's warning to Nessa, simply because it was unbelievable that a child of her age could ever come out those lines.
What's next - Amy accidentally overdosing on Ken's Viagra?
Ken is going to end up with Audrey, I agree. Roy and Cathy are great together and they have been deserving to act in their own storyline for a while so we can see the progress of their own relationship rather than acting on the fringes of Audrey/Nessa/Ken. David Neilson and Melanie Hill are excellent actors.
Nessa is just a distraction. Audrey and Ken will end up being a couple and I find Nessa irritating. I agree that Roy and Cathy should be acting in scenes about their own relationship and this development with the letter means we might see more of them as a couple. They are great together. As for Nessa, she seems to take pleasure in annoying Audrey and Cathy. Her character doesn't work for me.
Seeing as Amy is Tracy's daughter, I have no doubt that those sorts of lines would come from the mouth of that 11 year old. She's likely heard her mother say them many times! Amy was awesome!
I think Nessa is awful. She's grasping and tacky and "no better than she should be" (fur coat and no knickers?) but she's a good character and played really well by the actor. I think she's far too much for Ken who's bound to feel a bit railroaded sooner than later.
I thought Cathy was bad, Nessa takes the cake though. Truly awful sisters.
I don't see any chemistry between the two. Why and how does a thinking man like Ken get together in the first place with a boor like Nessa? Fine, make Nessa a man chaser but why make her like an older, more drab/crass version of Anna? Nope, even if this romance is temporary, it is not a credible storyline. I would much rather see an affair between Ken and Kal's mother the librarian who can go toe to toe with Ken on classic literature . They are both freshly. grieving the loss of a close family member...
I do see the affair as credible. Ken is grieving, lonely, and vulnerable and Nessa took full advantage of that. Ken being Ken wouldn't turn down a woman if offered on a plate like this.
I can't stand Nessa. Well said - Anon 11:09 she is like an older version of Anna. Can't wait to see the back of her.
I too 'love to hate' Nessa...however, how dull would it have been, albeit more realistic and spontaneous, for Ken to straight away pair up with Audrey?
No, you must have some 'fiery spice' in order to fully appreciate the blandness of a dish, and I am loving the interaction of this pushy gal who 'worms' her way in where she's not wanted.
I haven't seen Amy's scenes with her yet, but am highly anticipating them.
We know Ken as retiring, a pipe and slippers type, and I love that Nessa is taking over and trying to update him, all the time causing ructions will all.
Ken may well end up with Audrey, but that will put both characters in the background as Audrey gets along with everyone, and Amy needs someone to bounce off right now.
Elle Mulvaney has really come along amazingly well in her portrayal of Amy.
I'm really not liking Nessa.... and I'm surprised Audrey lets her work at the salon.
I'd love Nessa to leave, and leave Alex....I really liked him.
Ohhh.... and Ken's sexual prowess....Give over, Ken, you stopped being a stud-boy a hundred years ago!!!
Soap stories either drag on interminably or are a flash in a pan. Let's hope Nessa is the latter, designer jeans and all. As far as Amy goes, Audrey may be the good influence she needs. Living with 2 maneaters certainly won't do her any favors.
I don't like Nessa either but I can live with that, knowing that I'm not supposed to like her. I would love to see Amy and Nessa cross swords for a few weeks: sometimes one winning, sometimes the other. Eventually, Nessa will go too far and be dumped.
Re: the letter that Roy finds. Was it on this site or another that said the letter refers to an affair between Cathy's husband and Nessa? So we could we have another 'whose the daddy?' storyline, touching on the seemingly distant relationship between Howie and his mother, and possibly her feelings of guilt about his disability.
Ken generally doesn't go for intellectual women, and if you remember, during his affair with Martha of barge fame, he seemed a bit intimidated by the thought of meeting her theatre friends. She was the real deal (well-read, creative) and I got a sense that her artsy friends would see through Ken's pretenses in a New York minute, and he knew it. Ken doesn't like being challenged as the "scholar" of the street; Roy is bright and well-read but has no degree (giving Ken the edge), and Ken got on with Brian, but he was an exception, I think.
Brian was the exception because Brian was a buffoon! Ken might be a lot of things, but buffoon isn't one of them :))))
But parading around with Nessa certainly makes Ken look like a buffoon. He may be grieving and craving distraction through companionship but he's also the same vain, self-conscious pseudo-intellectual who wouldn't publicly be involved with someone like Nessa so soon after his wife's death. The whole thing just doesn't seem like the way Ken would behave.
Brian may have been a buffoon but he was Head Teacher, a title Ken never achieved.
Ken's been a poseur all his life, and having adoring women has been part of that affectation. Whenever he feels insecure he looks around for someone who can bolster his ego. He never left the street because he preferred being the big fish in the small pond. Art imitating Life?
Ken and Nessa are both pathetic. They deserve each other!
They may well deserve each other because they both are essentially superficial and generally of weak character. Ken hides his lack of depth in his pseudo-intellectual facade. Nessa on the other hand doesn't even try to hide anything. Charm and a touch of subtlety are not her strong points.. I just think this romance would play better if the writers made Nessa more attractive as a character so that in the end, she realizes that she can do a lot better than an aging lothario stuck in a 2X2 council flat still living with a grown daughter with her own kid.
Since when was No.1 Coronatiin Street a 'council flat'? It's NEVER been owned by the council, having belonged to a private landlord when the show started. I can't remember which resident actually bought it (I suspect it was Ken himself - the first owner-occupiers in the street were - surprisingly - the Ogdens), but it was never either council-owned or a flat!
Cathy and Nessa..both a pair of cons IMO..Ken's prowess?? That was funny...
Also...I doubt Roy, with his ethics, would stoop to reading someone else's mail. Convenient plot device I guess.
"Council flat" was just a term I used for those skinny houses stuck together. In Canada, we refer to them as townhouses. I think No. 1 is/was actually owned by Dierdre. So with her passing, I think this "council flat"-type house ownership reverted to Ken, the surviving spouse. Forgive me for misusing the term "council flat". No harm was intended.
CP from Canada.
what I find disturbing is how well Amy plays her part, rolling eyes, sarcastic comments, threats, etc. If I was her mum I would be very worried that she would evolve into the character completely. The same with Simon. I just hope they both realize that they are play acting and don't turn into the nasty characters they play on screen.
Love Nessa! Think she's hilarious. Great actress too-she injects a lot of comic energy into all the scenes she's in and brings out new life in the characters she interacts with. I felt Cathy became more real as a character in her few scenes with her sister (clearly the flamboyant extravert Nessa has spent her whole life upstaging her quiet, loyal sister) than she did in the months of contrived hand-wringing that was the hoarding plot. Similarly, Nessa has not only helped showcase Audrey's caustic wit and comic timing, she has exposed a seemingly new dimension to this self-confident woman of the world--lonely, vulnerable, yearning. Nessa even added a high comical note to the big Simon-as-abuser reveal in the Barlow kitchen. Watching the scene through an outsider's eyes, as Ken, Leanne, Tracy, Robert went at it hammer and tongs, was pretty funny--like a visitor stumbling on an unexpected performance at the zoo. "Nessa, I think you'd better go..." ha ha, yes indeed Ken! She's fantastic, really stirring things up, bringing out new dimensions to all the characters.
Didn't uncle Albert own the house which he left in his will to Ken?
Nessie is there for us to hate and so that Ken and Audrey don't get together too soon aafter Deidre's death. That way we can keep loving Audrey.
Also it was Albert's house that he sold to Ken and Deidre.
I think the only council owned house is Number 5. Don Brennan went bankrupt and the council took it over. The Battersbys rented from them and it's just continued on from there.
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