And today, the Daily Star reveal what that secret is.
Rob tells Jonny that he's Carla's real, biological dad and then demands £10,000 to keep quiet with the shock news!
The Star says that Johnny confides in Liz McDonald and admits to having a one night stand with Carla's mum. In scenes filmed earlier this month Johnny tells Liz: "It's a relief just to tell someone. She doesn't know, neither do my kids and I don't want it getting back to them because there's no point stirring things up at this stage. I always suspected it but I shoved it to the back of my mind."
Concerned Liz asks: "Why didn't you ask her mum? and Johnny replies: "I told myself it couldn't be, it was just the once and Sharon put herself about a bit, it could have been anyones. Also, I suppose in a way I didn't want to know, I was married at the time. It's not something I am proud of."
Johnny will then go off and attempt to carry out a secret DNA test without Carla knowing what he's up to. Everyone will have to wait and see the outcome of the DNA test and whether or not Johnny pays Rob the money he's demanding.
Now, hang on a cotton-picking-knicker-stitching minute. If Jonny is Carla's real dad, does this mean she married her cousin? Well, yes. It means she married her third cousin Paul Connor. Time to bring out the Connor family tree again!
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Seriously, is that the best they could come up with? I'd read something along those lines a while ago. The character Johnny doesn't really work for me anyway, although I do like Kate and Aiden a lot. Just a bit bored with"who's the daddy" storylines, think up something original please script writers.
I agree, Aidan and Kate are fine, but Johnny just doesn't seem to work so far. Maybe they will tweak his character and he will start to click. At the moment he just seems like an overt but not very convincing Mike Baldwin imitation:(
Hmm, I guessed this week's ago. It does, of course, explain Carla's black-as-a-raven's-wing hair (before they softened it along with her character), the sign of a true Connor! Yes, it is a tired old trope (it happened to the original Johnny - Mike Baldwin - as well as dear old Fred) but it does raise the opportunity to explore how Carla the Loner would interact with a family other than the scapegrace Rob.
Yes a few of us here speculated that a few weeks ago. business owner employs a relative of a different generation only to find out they're parent and child. Now where have we heard that before? Fred and Ashley and, oh yes, Mike and Danny.
Hmmmm. Johnny confides in Liz? And so it begins. Her next fella.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm watching Corrie or eastenders. New producer and storylines needed now before this programme disappears down Gails manhole never to be seen again!
Seriously??? Ugh is right.
Well, yes, I said either Barry or Johnny was Carla's dad. Thankfully, it's Johnny! The questions that come to mind are 1) how did Rob find out or has he always known; 2) whose name if any is down as 'father' on Carla's birth certificate; 3) is Carla in touch with the man she thinks is her dad (and, if not, would it be such a shock if she discovered the truth).
The only person Johnny would be worried about is his precious Kate. If he and Carla stick together, through a deal of their own, they can call Rob's bluff, vehemently denying it and claiming Rob's insane. They won't, of course. Soap families always choose the worst possible option.
Really not sure what I think about this. It could play out well, but it seems like they're clutching at straws for storylines.
The NHS should send all infertile couples to Coronation Street, where everyone conceives on their first coupling. Problem solved, and cheaply.
Looking forwards to Kate Oates' no spoiler policy. What is the point in watching if I know the plot months in advance?
The NHS should certainly send somebody to that street! The pill's been available for over fifty years.I know the catholic church hasn't approved of it, but that hasn't stopped many people. Coronation Street became successful because of its gritty realism, among other things. In recent years that's one of the things that's been slipping away. Now it's no better than any of the other ludicrous soaps, with implausible and impossible plots.
Not only is this boring, but I'm also going to throw in a big "EWWW!" that she married her cousin because of it.
Hasn't this poor woman been through the ringer enough?
But wait there is twist. When the DNA is done, it turns out Carla was not Jonny and her mother's daughter, she was switched at birth. And in a further shocker, it turns out the baby she was switched with was in fact Leanne, which makes the whole Stella episode wholly redundant.
What is Rob going to do with all that blackmail money in prison?
Rubbish...too many Connors.
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