The wedding episodes were, as we have come to expect, a metaphorical car crash. For over a decade we seem to have been served up one disaster after another. This week was no exception and so there was little to be excited or titillated about. There was one poorly acted scene (naming no names) which led to a collective groan in my house. Other that that though, there were moments of joy. Old sourpuss Michelle plodding across fields in search of Amy's bouquet was fun as was the triumvirate of Sally, Kevin and Tim. The latter two had their beer goggles on and were obviously up for a traditional wedding booze-up.
As for the wedding guests? Well it seemed to be whoever was available. No Deirdre but hey, here's Norris! Lots of irrelevant blethering on about a parcel which managed to irritate the now-as-standard ratty Rita. Norris does have his uses then. The Kirk/gay waiter mix up was like something out of a 1970s Carry On film. All we needed was Sean to gurn and bellow "Matron!" It was fun though and served as a nice distraction from the non-wedding.
Could it be that the showdown wedding format has outlived its welcome? At the risk of sounding a thousand years old, part of me longs for the day when the high point of a Corrie wedding would be some bitchy aside from Annie Walker to Elsie Tanner. Where the bride and groom said "I do" in front of an audience either sniffing in disdain or sniffing with emotion. Where the wedding party took its place at a trio of tables with a cake centre stage. Where someone complimented the staff on the 'nice bit of ham' that has been served. Where someone read out a few good luck messages from almost-forgotten neighbours. Renee Bradshaw never attacked someone with a stiletto. Eddie Yeats wasn't unmasked as a bigamist at the altar. Mavis Riley didn't get jiggy with the best man in the days running up to the wedding. Enough is enough. Please, the next time some poor resident rattles on about their nuptials, let's just have a little less . . . well, drama.
Elsewhere Liz and her candy floss hair were much in evidence. As ever she seemed to switch between 'bellowing harridan' ( for Tony) and 'unsympathetic harridan' (for Steve). Hopeless as a mother. Some people have found the Gailification of Michael Rodwell a bit of a downer but in their own clumsy way, the Platts do seem to be forming a caring circle around him. We have no idea how things are going to pan out with the prodigal son, so having Gail and co looking out for Michael may be no bad thing.
Seeing a more vulnerable side to Cilla was actually quite touching although in typical Cilla style, she did not allow herself the treat of a good weep. That would have been too much for all of us. How did Sinead manage to track her down? Not that it really matters. Maybe this is a chance for Fiz and Ches to bond with their errant mother before it's too late. Hopefully Cilla will be around to attend Beth and Kirk's wedding. Another church, another hat for Rita.
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It was those poor horses that I felt sorry for. How many miles did they have to pull that carriage, from No.1 Coronation Street, within spitting distance of Manchester City Centre, to a stately country hotel out in the wilds of Cheshire ... miles, nay, leagues! They must have been shattered. Did the coachman change horses a couple of times at coaching inns along the way? I'm not surprised they couldn't wait to be shot of Tracy, trying to pull away before she had alighted, and scarpering at the earliest opportunity, even if it did mean trotting off with Amy's bouquet.
I was also struck by Tracy's appearance when she finally got back home. Any trick-or-treaters out for Hallowe'en must have assumed she was done up as the corpse bride.
And how odd that hallowe'en was unmentioned. You'd have thought someone would have drawn attention to the fact that Tracy booked an All Hallow's Eve Wedding. The horror ... the horror ...
I like Michael and I like the Platts. I'm interested to see what his son Gavin is like, probably another wrong'un i'm guessing. Sic Nick and David on him and he will run for the hills!
I have to agree, though I enjoyed the wedding episodes, it is getting a bit tedious that most of the weddings have some huge interruption or drama.
My guess is that Sinead caught up with Cilla at the main Manchester bus terminal or the train station. Don't know why the others wouldnt' have thought of that.
Hopefully we can look forward to a non- eventual happy wedding day for Kirk and Beth? As for Michael's son Gavin,now that Sarah is returning,he'll be her larest love interest?
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