After five months, one murder, twelve incorrect
jurors and copious leading questions, Weatherfield Police finally get the right man. When Tracy lets Amy stay home from school, it
appears to both us and Ken that she may be enjoying her last day with her daughter
before escaping with Rob, and it seems appropriate in hindsight that they would watch Titanic and Tracy would cry at the
conclusion considering she was about to cling to her metaphorical
door and push Rob into the deep blue yonder.
The scene between Tracy and Amy is
a tender one as her daughter tells her “You can cuddle me if you like, if you miss him, cos I
do.” Tracy uses the film UP to let Amy
know how much she loves her, indicating again that she may be
leaving. As Ken delivers the news that it’s
only a matter of time before Rob is caught, as the police have found the murder
weapon and are out looking for him, something appears to click with Tracy. She
leaves suddenly under the pretense of checking on Todd in the shop, and we’re again
left guessing as she makes a call from her phone in the shed saying simply that’s
she’s both sure and ready. She screeches away in Ken’s car and both he and Carla are
left to debate her intentions. While Ken is sure she’s abandoning her daughter,
Carla keeps an open mind and tries to ring Tracy to no avail. She pleads with Ken to
wait before calling the police, and when she gets a call from them herself she
ignores it.

As the police give their
instructions, he is incredulous at having been caught. As he drops to his knees and is handcuffed, he is
truly crushed. “I didn’t have a choice” cries Tracy , but Rob doesn’t buy it. “You had a
choice, just like Carla had a choice, there is always a choice” he tells her which is somewhat ironic considering he professed himself to have had no choice when
it came to sparing Tina’s life. It transpires that to the very end Rob values
loyalty and his desire for freedom above all else, and both triumph over his conscience.
this I found myself feeling sympathy for him as his world fell about
his feet. I felt a sense of loss that this was the end for him, as I have
enjoyed the character of Rob and felt he had more to bring to the programme. I am however not only
mourning his character, I’m desolate for the loss of Rob and Tracy as a couple.
The chemistry between them was electric to the very end, and I liked fulfilled Tracy better than the bitter,
lonely, malicious incarnation we have for so long endured. I loved the
interaction between them. I loved how he was admiringly appalled by her, constituted
her better half, and how the humour between them was at times deliciously
wicked. As Rob faces imprisonment, we can only hope that their relationship
will have had a liberating effect on Tracy ,
and that going through this horrendous experience will have changed her for the
Redemption finds other guises tonight as Luke
successfully apologises to Maria for what appeared to me to be nothing in
particular. I liked Yasmeen’s observation, “when two people take against each other
so vehemently, it’s often a sign of attraction.” As she lists off literary examples
including North and South and Pride and Prejudice, and Audrey chips in with Brokeback Mountain , I couldn’t help but think that Luke and Maria's bickering showed none of the passion that makes such vehemence so striking
and alluring.

By Emma Hynes
Twitter: @ELHynes
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Would have been justice to see Rob kill Tracy. Both gone. Anyway, glad it's over - good job all around even with Deidre out of the picture they were able to pull it off. Please don't try to tone Tracyluv down now wouldn't work IMO.
Loved it. They really worked so well together, I am really going to miss Rob and Tracy's romance. I doubt they will tone her down. She's heart broken, and will be bitter I'm sure. Who can predict what that girl will get into now. I disagree Anonymous, too many characters are leaving, and good grief, if Tracy left too, there won't be many left.
I read these blogs, and try to guess who the writer is. When I get to the end, I've often guessed right. (by the way, thanks to you all!)
When I had tears in my eyes and warmth in my heart while reading this post, I knew it was you.
I concur, Tracy and Rob were a good match and I hope she morphs into a brighter one.. (didn't Amy say she likes happy mommy..?) Kate Ford CAN act.
AND ROY... oy!! what a guy he is on the street. Love him. Which brings me to Todd.. also, re-morph-- we believe in good Todd and never really believed the bad Todd. (why did they do that?) However, good job bringing him back proper.
Lots of good little subtleties in these scenes.
Thanks for your eloquence Emma.
Outside of the guy that plays Roy, Baylis is the next best male actor on that show.
Poor old Rob - betrayed by the two women closest to him and that he loved the most. Tracy's self pityng snivelling didnt do it for me yesterday, she gets to get another day with an affair with Tony and Rob a far better character, better acted and otherwise with further to go, gets written out. Shakes head.
Will miss Rob and guess what...I didn't see it coming, that Tracy dobbed him in!!
Could Tracy grassing up Rob also have been a deal she struck with the police to get her off charges for receiving stolen goods and/or perverting the course of justice? I doubt she was motivated purely by doing the right thing - but was also looking after number one, no matter how much she loved Rob.
Do you know what really winds me up? How even though Peter has been cleared of murder everybody in the street is still saying "Well he is hardly innocent though is he?"It's ridiculous! Especially Eileen of all people who said Peter was 'Guilty as sin' when she said the same thing about Tyrone when HE was the one accused of beating Kirsty. Maybe she would think twice before accusing innocent people before knowing the facts? The same goes for Fiz who said they should throw away the key when discussing Peter. Now would she want people to react like that when she was in prison? Or when Tyrone was locked up? I know soap characters have short memories but that is just ludicrous.
Loved it! Didn't see that one coming - all the better for no spoilers. I like the new Tracey. Hope they keep her softer side with Amy.
Martin Leay, she probably did do a deal with the police as she feared imprisonment for aiding and abetting, fencing stolen goods etc. She said she had informed the police for Amy's sake but everyone has mixed motives; clearly, she was doing it for her own sake, too. It won't happen, I'm sure, but I wish Tracy would feel so humiliated that she would take Amy and leave town.
Well, I for one didn't see that coming....Tracy being the one to turn Rob! Very good acting from Kate Ford....quite surprising. Maybe Tracy will become depressed thereby being the one who recognizes that in Steve.....his mother and wife don't seem to have a clue.
Interesting that ITV threw out all the spoilers about Todd's "scarred for life" story even before his attempt at redeeming himself. It really kinda dulls (even ruins) this story now because we all know it's a hoax of his personality. Hopefully, you're right, Emma, in that we do see Todd truly redeem himself, but I think sometimes ITV shoots itself in the foot.
And besides, what else is plastic surgery *really* for but to fix scarring like this?
I'd never considered the possibility that Rob could murder Tracy as well; that would have been a God-send! However, this twist was also good.
I don't care if Todd ends up looking like The Phantom of The Opera. Not interested in his character anymore.
I have never bought in to the scheme of a horrible person gets a disease or gets beat up or whatever and then people think it instantly makes them a good person. It does not work in real life and certainly not work on this show.
Thank you Canadian Bacon Sarnie for those lovely words.
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