Week of Monday 17 to Friday 21 November
Tim tells Sally he can’t read, Steve starts work at Bistro and Michelle packs her bags to leave, Alya starts work as Underworld trainee manager, Owen and Anna move into bookies flat, Michel’s son Gavin arrives.
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So Ayla gets a job at Underworld - this is becoming truly ridiculous as is Steve working in the Bistro.
Beyond ridiculous
I'm pleased to see the Dev and Julie story resurfacing. I hope they get it together, I think it could work.
The Steve story is interesting and I love Simon Gregson, I just wish the relationship he should be fighting for was with someone other than Michelle. I might care more about it then!
I truly hope this is the end of Michelle and Steve. I realize the car purchase is meant to represent the impulsive nature of depression and Michelle's trip to the Lakes a desperate act to save their relationship but I can't imagine where they're getting this money from, or why Michelle expects Steve to drop everything to help her with her event planning - he is supposed to be running Street Cars and the Rovers.
As much as I feel Faye is a spoiled brat with her whinging about a "pokey" flat, when she should be thankful she has a roof over her head, food, clothing and people who care for her, I cannot understand why under this dire circumstance Anna would not arrange to have Faye live with Tim and Sally - that would be in her best interests, wouldn't it?
I also don't understand why Ayla would be the choice for manager trainee; surely there has to be SOMEONE whose worked in the faktry for ages with some sort of inclination or abilities?? How demoralizing for the staff.
Anonmous,I agree with your comments and thought if anyone should be Underworld's manager,it should be Sally who is experiencedand not Alya who I thought was working at her father's gym.I also think it will be awkaward for Izzy once it comes out about Gary and Alya as I think Gary moved back in with her temporarily.
I think the writers are making the same mistake with Alya as they did with Tina,having her in every episode regardless of storyline.
I agree about Sally and Alya. I think Carla should have harnessed Sally's managerial potential long ago.
She could do wonders for the factory: hardworking, bright, cheery, experienced, savvy. Of course she can be snobby and annoying, but no one's perfect. Certainly not Carla who's so volatile around the workers.
Alya's character is a great disappointment. Apart from the really stupid cliché of landing a job on the Street minutes from her (eventual) home, she is so bland and uninteresting. Fine, she can have a secret relationship with equally bland Gary but let's have some passion. All of the Nazir's are 2-dimensional. I'd like to see Alya going through some old clothes or photos of her late mother and for Yasmeen to find her sobbing. We might see past Alya's permanent smile, and Yasmeen could show a softer side to her character.
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