I'm finding Todd is in danger of becoming too one-dimensional though he's fun to watch at the moment. Peter's in prison on very thin circumstantial evidence and Ken's absence, though we understand why it's been there, is difficult to swallow. Nick is doing my head in but at least he's not boring to watch, either. I'm starting a new drinking game every time Gary or Alya coincidentally run into one another.
We've lost Dennis and Marcus this month and both will be missed even if they were both criminally undervalued. Loving Yasmeen so far!
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HAHAHA!!! Love the drinking game idea. Seriously? How ridiculous are those "random" Gary/Alya run ins? I am starting to think they are doing it purposely to give us a laugh. Even my hubby, who barely pays attention when we watch now has taken to counting down when Gary is on screen... "3, 2, 1 and there she is again". Never fails.
Silly writers.
Have to disagree about Yasmeen, as far as I'm concerned she seems to have trained at the Dev Alahan school of acting - with over stated shouting and strange emphasis in the wrong places. That scene in the library was embarassing.
I agree, the actress who plays yasmeen can't act. The scenes in the library just didnt cut it. Was on a par with mandy (lloyds ex)
Thank you for your post Tvor. Another drinking game idea: have a sip everytime someone says "sorry". Only if you want to get hammered in 30 mins.
What I find strange about Yasmeen is that she is the chief librarian and she's staging the sit-in. Much more likely that it would be younger members of staff (and why weren't they supporting their boss last night?) and Yasmeen bringing up the rear. I get it that she's a rebel and she's passionate about her job but she wouldn't be organising a sit-in with a few residents. It would have made more sense if she was an ordinary member of staff who had never been promoted because of her radical views. Another case of suspending disbelief.
Todd is reasonably entertaining but wise-cracks only work for a limited time. By now, we ought to have an inkling of what went on in London to turn him into such a rotter.
Gary and Alya are just awful together, much like her dad and Leanne.
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