For this week's Coronation Street prop puzzle all you have to do is tell us whereabouts on the set you would find these scenes of New York.
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Tina's former flat or Steph's current one - or wherever Steph is living at the moment?
I'll guess st Lloyd's flat.
Whoop whoop!! Going to guess Stephs flat :) Smelloid
Owen's flat above the yard.
I think I know this one~ is it Streetcars office?
Canadian Bacon Sarnie
Agree with CBS, Streetcars.
I was going to guess the Streetcars Cab office with that looking like the edge of one of the chairs in the lower left corner of the photo then I thought it was the underworld office towards the back of where Carla usually sits but then I thought naw it has to be the Streetcars office.
I was going to guess the Streetcars Cab office with that looking like the edge of one of the chairs in the lower left corner of the photo then I thought it was the underworld office towards the back of where Carla usually sits but then I thought naw it has to be the Streetcars office.
Well, Elk and Whoop Whoop, upon further reflection - Tina's flat it is. It was. Stephanie's flat it is.
I previously confused the black and white buildings part of it with the framed pic in the cab office~ which is a very cool print.
Nope, Elk's comment at the very top is correct, it is Steph/Tina's flat, saw it last night as Rita and Steph were going through the last of Tina's things.
C in Canada
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