So what do we think of Liz and Tony so far? I think Liz McDonald is one of those Corrie women who needs a man. The trouble is some of her choices have been less than clever. I guess that's where the good stories come from though.
Personally, I'd love to see Jim McDonald make a return from the Big House. If the writers can spring Tracy out of jail at the drop of a murder conviction, they can surely get Jim back on the street. Liz and Jim have real presence together on screen and I think it would be great to reunite them.
However, I digress. Tony is the latest in a fairly long line of fellas Liz has dallied with. I think Terence Maynard is doing a good job so far, and it's good to see Jason interacting with his dad again. I did initially wonder why Alan Igbon had not reprised his role having originally played Tony about ten or so years ago. As an aside, it was Alan Igbon who played the young soldier back in the 1970s who informed Bet Lynch that her son had been killed.

So what do you think of Liz and Tony so far? Are you looking forward to seeing how this relationship develops?
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There's something about the actor's presence that makes me wonder if Tony will turn out to violent. Eileen has said that Liz knows nothing about him and I wonder if she's keeping quiet about the past to protect Jason. The last time we saw Tony, he came across as more of a useless rascal but this version looks more menacing. He seems to genuinely want a relationship with his son and that makes him interesting. Not an out-and-out villain.
Yes, I agree. If he's genuine about Jason, then he has a redeemable side if he turns out to be a bad'un. He's certainly not feckless like the last version of Tony was and is a bit menacing. Just Liz's type except I don't think he'll be in it for the long haul if he's a troublemaker. The actor is very good, though, so he'll be interesting to watch.
I agree! Liz does need a fella, and Tony is handsome, age-appropriate, and slightly mysterious, with a back story that is just begging to be fleshed out!
Lots of tasty options in this storyline, and I am rooting for the writers to concoct something compelling, romantic, and watchable. (And good for Liz. I do love me some Liz!)
Probably needs a kidney.
Probably needs a kidney.
Let him have Tracy's then. ;)
Perhaps Mr. Igbon has not aged in the way Corrie writers are portraying this version of Tony. He seems younger than Eileen and her reaction to his pairing with Liz is quite dramatic - begging for an explanation. The actor seems very good and the caring-yet-menacing way he moves about the Street leaves plenty of room for interest in both where he's been and where he's going.
I think the character is *okay.* I preferred Alan Igbon however for several reasons, but more than anything else Maynard looks too young. He looks just over ten years older than Jason. Not good. I wonder why Igbon didn't accept the role/wasn't offered.
I like this actor, I hope his secret is something unexpected with Eileen, and nothing to do with domestic violence. Don't know about Liz yet, but it's interesting.
Yikes, no Jim Please! I like Terrance Maynard. And he's the first guy that I buy into with Liz. I like them together. He keeps her on her toes. But they have to reveal his 'secret' for coming back. He's a destabler for Jason. And what's with Eva, she seems like she has hots for Tony. There could be something there if they play their cards right a long term character can evelove.
Nah Tony is a baddun proved by stealing the rival builder' tools with absolutely no qualms and ruining his business. Frosty however thinks he is a good character and well acted with that frisson of menace under the friendly exterior. But it will end in tears for Liz as I suspect she is just a dalliance until something better comes along. Eileen may be jealous and bitter but I suspect she has an insight into Tony.
The actor is much too young for the character he plays, but he's doing a great job despite this.
I don't know about Tony being too young. Black men (as do most women) age better. He is the right age. He does have those bags under his eyes afterall.
I did look up the actor's age however and find him to be 45. So with this line of thought....they should have had a 60 year old playing the part so there would be a closer look visually.
Speaking of age...I am still irked that the actress who plays a ten year old girl is actually 12 or 13 at the time (Faye). Grrrr
The actor looks far too young in my opinion. It's quite ridiculous to be expected to accept that a guy like that would be interested in Liz, far more likely Eva or Tina. He has attitude which implies he 'fancies himself' as the phrase used to go......Liz wouldnt get a second glance in the real world.
Why do comments have to be approved!?! I've noticed this before with threads about other black characters. If we're not allowed to express what we think, what's the point of the blog. When people say they hate Tracy that's not subject to approval.
We keep an eye on the comments and if they seem like they're getting too close to the knuckle, we will edit them or pre-approve them. We want people to "play nice" on this blog and anything that's going to potentially stir the pot will be moderated as the editors see fit.
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