PHELAN PUSHES GARY TO BREAKING POINT Gary’s fuming as Phelan continues to goad him. Phelan’s smug as he thanks Gary for beating him up - it’s given him the best profit of his life. But when Phelan tells him and Owen to take the newly fitted mill windows out again, will Gary be able to contain his anger?
THERE’S SOMETHING WRONG WITH CARLA Tina tells Steph that her ‘friend’ who is having an affair told the guy that she loves him but he didn’t return the compliment. Steph tells her she knows she’s talking about herself. Meanwhile, Carla admits to Michelle she’s worried she might be pregnant.
SOPHIE ASKS SALLY A BIG FAVOUR Sophie tells Maddie she’s coming home with her and she can’t be on her own with a broken wrist. Sophie begs Sally to let Maddie stay with them for a few nights, can Tim persuade her to let Maddie stay?
ELSEWHERE Knowing Dev is unimpressed by his apparent lack of progress, Jason reluctantly calls Tony and asks for his help.
Coronation Street, MONDAY 10TH MARCH 2014 at 8.30pm
GARY AND OWEN SAVOUR A LITTLE VICTORY Overcome with anger, Gary eyeballs Phelan with pure hatred but Owen points out if he loses his temper he’ll be looking at prison. They feel a small sense of achievement when Owen tells Gary the bill he gave Phelan was a fake and the pints they’re drinking are with Phelan’s money. But will that small bit of joy be ruined when Phelan arrives telling them he’s bringing the deadline forward?
PETER LIES TO KEEP TINA ONSIDE A worried Peter watches Tina and Steph across the bar as Steph talks to Tina about her affair. Peter later corners Tina and demands to know what she’s told Steph. Tina lies that she hasn’t told Steph anything. Peter’s relieved and tells Tina he loves her too. Tina’ over the moon but has Peter only told her this to keep her on side?
NO.4 WELCOMES A FEISTY NEWCOMER Maddie’s attempting to settle in at No.4 but Sally remains mistrustful of Maddie and takes her handbag upstairs with her. When Maddie tries to kiss Sophie, will she resist?
ELSEWHERE Eva pressures Jason into thanking Tony for his help on the gym conversion and Roy arrives home with a large parcel but when Fiz enquires what it is, he ignores her and heads up to the flat.
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So whiney sophie will get her own way again having the skank Maddy move in with her mother whose handbag she stole. No doubt she wll be helping herself to the contents of their house before long and we are of course supposed to wring our hands and feel sorry for this bad lot.
Get this, Maddie will start stealing things and guess where she tries to sell them? At Tracy's shop of course RIGHT IN THE SAME STREET SHE IS STEALING FROM. Seriously, who on earth writes this? You don't have to be a master thief to know this is a stupid move.
We all saw this coming a mile off. If I were Sally that kid would not be in my home at all! She stole Sally's purse and pushed her face into trifle. High time spoilt little Sophie gets her own place.
We all saw this coming a mile off. If I were Sally that kid would not be in my home at all! She stole Sally's purse and pushed her face into trifle. High time spoilt little Sophie gets her own place.
Who indeed writes these episodes? I can't believe they get PAID to write awful plots and cardboard characters like these. I find more enjoyment reading these comments than watching the show these days... well, actually my expectations for this show have lowered so much I now watch for a few dribs and drabs and hints within a scene. I rarely expect whole storylines to be great anymore.
I happen to really be enjoying the Sophie and Maddie storyline and hope they end up happy together.However I do totally agree that the storylines are rather far fetched!
Please whomp together a story that sees both Maddie and Sophie leave the street.
I know it won't happen because usually when a soap opera's family diminishes ( as in even Kevin won't be there much either) it becomes difficult to write for the remaining character(s).
I think Sally is a strong enough character to make it on her own, with creative writing and Tim by her side.
I'm tired of the Webster family, except for Sally; I know she can do better for herself.
I agree, enough of the Websters now. Sally should move on...get remarried and change her name. Sophie can move to London with her idiot sister Rosie, Kevin can just stay put wherever he is supposed to be.
These writers are trying so desperately to keep a lesbian storyline going that they keep coming up with hack plots for the unlikeable Sloppie. Enough.
Give Sean a good storyline. Hell, give Jenna a good storyline with a believable suitable woman who is not a whiny brat living at her mother's. It is just so stupid. Why can't they see this?
Poor Sally! Why can't Sophie move out and take Maddie with her. Give Sally and Tim some time alone and let Sally have people that she wants in her is not asking too much.
Also I would love to see Sal use her money as posted elsewhere to set up some sort of shop in the butcher shop. She could be the management and Tim the worker. :-)
I am loving Tim and Sal.
Maddie is no-doubt a sociopath pretending to be a lesbian in order to manipulate Sophie into allowing her into the Webster's life so she can get her mitts on as much of their stuff as possible. There's no way I buy that Maddie genuinely cares for Sophie and has anything other than nefarious, self-serving intentions.
Sally is an idiot anyway - deserves what's coming. Who's house is it anyway? Why doesn't she throw that in Sophie's face sometime? Another storyline that could have been something great, in the crapper. Dismal as hell.
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