Cheeky award: Steph's brother, Luke. But he might be kind of fun to have around on first impressions.
Fashion What? award: Liz's onesie.
No tact award: Tim called Dev out on his big embarassment where everyone else was a lot more tactful.
Doing it the hard way: Why did Peter offer a whole night in a hotel to Tina now that Carla's back? Wouldn't it have been easier to do it while she was still in Paris?
Referee Fail award: Deidre wasn't able to keep Liz and Eileen from a loud scrap in the Bistro.
Ironic award: Todd telling Eileen that Honesty is the best Policy.
Masterchef Fail: Carla can barely open a tin or operate the microwave. What made her think she could cook Indonesian?
Rock and a hard place award: Phelan has video evidence of the attack. Gary and Owen are up against that hard wall.
Lines of the week:
Val "If you see him, tell him there's a warpath and I'm on it" and "He's my husband to slag off, luv, not yours"
Peter to Carla "Let's get you out of them wet clothes" Carla "You're not still using that one?" Peter "Never fails me" (dog)
Tim about charity shop workers "I bet some of them can remember when Stonehenge were a field"
Deirdre to Eileen "We're too long in the tooth to be falling out over fellas" (too right)
Gary "Why make him suffer as well" Owen "Because I can."
Maddie about Norris "He's like Golum without the personality"
Liz to Tina "You are just another bottle of booze to him. And when he's had his fill, he'll chuck you out like all the other empties"
Graham the builder "It's beautiful. Ireland that is, not my wife"
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What goes round comes round award: Peter used the visiting the old alcoholic mate in trouble excuse with Leanne when he was seeing Carla behind her back. The adage that when a man marries his mistress a vacancy is created is very true.
Out of Sequence award: Eileen has been sporting her strange Princess Royal hair do for some time, then suddenly with the scene with Liz when she was supposed to ‘apologise’ it was back to being long and straggly again then back to Princess Anne in the next scenes.
Potential award: Liking Steph’s brother so far and like chirpy Steph and hope they don’t make her too OTT like they did with Beth.
No discretion or sense award: Izzy knows full well that Garah is a loose canon so what does she do? Without any proof or confirmation she blabs her mouth that Phelan may have made a pass at his mother – DAH – then she has the cheek to have a go at him after the event.
Unlikely pairing award: Tony although a bad boy is pretty fit looking and would say aged mid 40s. Would he really be interested in 60 something Liz who looks like she should be working on a fairground somewhere. That low cut dress she wore the other day was just embarrassing.
Does anyone actually care award: Muddy and Soppy. Sophie’s constant whining and wanting her own way and just seeing things from her own self serving perspective is boring and tiresome.
If Tony is a similar age to Eileen then he's in his early 50s and Liz is 56 or 57 so there isn't that much of a difference. Deirdre is the older of the two at 58.
One thinks Owen and Gary have been taken to the cleaners by the successful sharks otherwise known as Phelan and Val - oh what sharp nails you have Val - that footage of Gary attacking Phelen was well mastered sure it was Val up high hiding taking the footage to blackmail Owen and gary to work slave labour that's how they life the high life and never get caught.... So sick of the Tina and Peter story so unbelievable - lets hope it will finish as quickly as it started. Ooh I would hate to be in Tina's and Peters shoes when Carla find out there will be tears before bedtime....
Peter was flat broke a few months ago when Carla took him on at the factory, and I'm assuming she either controls the finances or everything is joint. Thus, wouldn't she notice a mysterious hotel charge on the credit card bill?
I really feel for the actress underneath Liz's wardrobe and life choices. It must be a struggle to put a smile on her face sometimes wearing those tacky clothes. It's a shame, as I'd hoped they would have allowed room for Liz to evolve and grow, to return as a classier version of her previous self.
I didn't know where to рut this idea - but it might be amusing to have a 'bizarre corrie deaths' blog рost (ann malone in the freezer would get my vote ;)) - also car falling on harry hewitt,etc. What do you think? John H
Would love to see Graham the builder (Mark Jordan) on the show for a storyline. He's PC Phil Bellamy from Heartbeat!
HAHAHA Frosty - Liz looked like she should be working in a Fairground! Agree, I think they are taking the 'tart look' a bit too far with her. Who wants to look at saggy, wrinkled boobs while downing a pint.
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