Is the love triangle de rigueur? It would appear so in Coronation Street at the moment. It feels like every other storyline is focussing on some kind of love triangle, from the plausible to the just plain contrived. Let's take a look at some of the recent Weatherfield romantic entanglements:
Tina, Peter and Carla. Obviously the most high profile at the moment. I feel great sympathy for Carla although given her relationship with Peter was itself founded on an affair, I guess it's what goes around comes around. As for Peter and Tina, it's just gut-wrenching. Apparently they have terrific chemistry but I'm yet to see it. Multiple pregnancies and alcoholism are being thrown into the mix to make it more interesting.
Steve, Andrea and Lloyd. This one is more interesting because of the great, genuine friendship between Steve and Lloyd. At the moment we're not quite sure of Andrea's motives in all this. At first she seemed keen on Steve but now Andrea seems settled with Lloyd. Michelle certainly doesn't like Andrea, which makes me like the newcomer all the more. If this love triangle takes Steve away from Michelle it maybe won't be that bad.
Rita, Dennis and Gloria. This was just plain ludicrous. We're always saying we want to see more of the senior members of the Corrie cast, but this storyline was really not the way to do it. First of all the writers turned Rita into a shrew and a stick in the mud. I never liked Gloria so I'm glad she's gone, but what a waste of Dennis. Philip Lowrie is returning for a spell, but for me the damage has sadly been done. It surely couldn't have been that hard to find things for Rita and Dennis to do?
Liz, Tony and Eileen. We've already seen trouble here with Liz and Eileen exchanging words with poor Deirdre trying to keep the peace. Eileen claims not to be interested in her ex but it's obviously stirred up old feelings for her. Who knows where this one will go next, although I've also noticed a frisson between Eva and Jason's dad.
Stella, Leanne and Kal. Oh dear. The Price ladies have a habit of doing this don't they? Remember when Stella got together with Jason, only for Eva to end up with him afterwards? Well Stella's up to her old tricks again, only this time I don't think luck is on her side. In the weeks ahead it looks like St Ella is going to set her beige cap at fitness instructor Kal. However, I think Kal is more interested in Stella's daughter Leanne. Is Leanne over Nick though?

Looking ahead, you've got to wonder what Kevin's imminent return will mean for Sally and Tim. Personally I like Sally and Tim together and I'd hate to see Kevin get in the way of that.
So what do you think of all these burgeoning love triangles? Are you enjoying them? Which are working and which aren't?
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I like Sally with Tim.
I like Kev...but I think the writers need to come up with a life for him.
Sally was never satisfied with Kev and made it very apparent. She has tried to improve Tim as well but he is not as pliable. If anything he is softening Sally.
Interesting is amazing isn't many triangles going on at one time! The writers must get a bonus for each and every one. lol
The Rita and Dennis story disappointed me the most because Rita used to have a real sense of fun and adventure. I used to think that, among the older generation, she was the one I'd most like to hang out with. And when they paired her up with Dennis, who also has a well-developed sense of fun, I thought it was going to be great. Instead, Rita simply lost her sense of fun almost overnight and became an old curmudgeon. What a wasted opportunity.
As for Peter and Tina, all I can say is "eeewww!"
It's times like this that I really notice my advancing age. I find these triangles boring. This is just lazy writing. There are so many important issues in the world that could be dealt with on the show. Did the ptb learn nothing from all the attention paid to Hayley and Roy's story?
I agree just can't watch the Tina Peter togetherness just doesn't come over as real sorry those two would not be carrying on together in the real world but got to remind myself it's a soap. I watched the episode again of Dennis leaving the street where he is standing at the Rovers bar and ordering the drinks - that oh my god is this it? is this how i'm going to end my days and making his mind up to go with Gloria and enjoy the years he had left in the sun kicking up his heels with even I didn't like Gloria. Rita has become dull where is that party girl that once use to belt out a song and have a real laugh? perhaps she has slipped into an old lady mould - shame as she is one of my favourties I was hopiong she would be that bubbly person till the end perhaps life has worn her out.
You begin to wonder Anonymous! It feels almost like a different programme again now
Hopefully we will see the old Rita again soon :)
For what it's worth, here's my explanation of the Rita/Dennis backstory. When they were much younger and Rita and his mother were contemporaries (more or less!) Dennis had a crush on the then glamorous Rita -the lounge singer! It may have had an Oedipal element to it, since his mother was also considered glamorous. Rita was flattered by the attention of this younger man, whom she'd watched grow up. They had a brief fling but realized they weren't really suited.
Flash forward- many years later they met again, when Dennis was at a low point. Rita proffered sympathy and kindness, which reignited feelings in Dennis (possibly confusing gratitude with love) He once again professed his love to Rita, who, once again, was flattered. After the excitement of the courtship and wedding, when they settled into the reality of the marriage, they once again realized that they still weren't suited. Dennis was chasing the excitement he'd always thought Rita represented, while Rita was trying to recapture some of the glamour she once had. They were both disillusioned and showed it in nasty, hurtful ways. Sad, but it happens. Now they need to just admit their mistake and walk away.
I don't think we were ever meant to support Tina and Peter as a couple. It's clear he is just infatuated by a pretty face and she's not the love of his life. It's clear they don't have the chemistry that he had with Leanne and Carla. Tina was always meant to be his bit on the side and he's rapidly tiring of her even now but he's backpedalling furiously so that Tina doesn't tell Carla. That's why he's hanging on, now, I think.
I don't know why I'm bothering to comment really because I agree, agree, agree.
I think Tim's ability to do and say the wrong thing and burst Sally's pretentious bubble could be a gold mine of humour.
I really don't understand Todd's motivation for going after Marcus. However, it's intriguing to find out why "That London" changed him and whether he will become nicer. I'd really like to see a gay soap character that actually has a penis and Todd have some brief liaisons hurting some guys in the process, but then meet someone who he falls for but treats him badly.
The reason why Peter and Tina's storyline is abysmal is that Rob must have been in the frame first but then Chris Gascoyne needed a dramatic exit. Their pairing doesn't ring true; they'd hardly had any contact before Tina became Simon's child minder. I know we're meant to be disgusted etc but I really won't care what happens to either character, comeuppance or otherwise. The writing has not shown why Tina's got hooked. We've only discussed it here! The writers don't seem to understand that a character needs a confidante to hint at their deepest feelings.
Why look for motivation in Todd's (or anyone's) character? Again, CC needed a dramatic storyline. Marcus could easily have met someone at work and set up house somewhere else in W'field. The flaw in this storyline is that Eileen should have spoken to Marcus and warned him off. She just sat back and watched the drama unfold.
I'm glad they didn't write Tim out even though for months I wouldn't have cared if they had. There's a quiet comedy there and good chemistry.
I'm sure Eileen doesn't harbour any old romantic feelings for Tony. What she remembers is how he abused her but made her feel it was her fault. And slightly off-topic, wouldn't Liz have become more groomed after her involvement with a health spa in Spain?
I think the only reason that Dennis and Rita got together was that the writers wanted to chip in on the feeling of nostalgia.
Beyond that I wonder if the writers really know the history of the show beyond the quiz type info found anywhere online.
With that said, Eastenders is facing outrage for killing one of its 'legacy' characters Lucy Beale....maybe Corrie can follow suit and rid us of Sophie Webster! lol I don't think we would be outraged at all.
Don't think that there were any love triangles among the regulars until Mike-Deirdre-Ken in 1983. Nowadays,there's virtually nothing but love triangles.
The Peter-Tina relationship is particularly galling as it's just not credible in any way.
I do hope that they don't split Tim and Sally up,as they've done everything possible with Sally and Kevin as a couple while Sally-Tim have the potential to be a classic couple with lots of comic potential.
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