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Thursday 27 March 2014

Poll: How often should Corrie be broadcast each week?

I've blogged before that I think Coronation Street has too many episodes broadcast each week and while I think the current pattern is here to stay, it does make me wonder how many of us still watch Corrie religiously and what our viewing patterns are these days.

It would be a brave producer who would cut back the number of episodes from five to three or even four.

Corrie is still an important part of ITV's output and the advertising revenue that comes with that means our favourite soap must continuously be churned out. I guess cutting back the number of episodes would also mean culling the show's large cast and that would be a shame for some of Corrie's hardworking actors.

So here is where you come in. I've put together a little poll which will hopefully gauge the mood of our loyal Coronation Street Blog followers. Select your preferred option below and let me know how many episodes Corrie should broadcast each week. Please also feel free to leave any comments below.

Get voting and I'll reveal the results next week!

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Carry On Blogging! said...

And thank you to Stephen for making me realise I was asking the wrong question the first time around ;)

Anonymous said...

I record every episode but then I dont watch them and I end up with so many recorded I end up watching a few and then deleting the rest. Ive watched since 1969. I keep more or less up to date by reading blogs etc.

Frosty the Snowman said...

I dont think we need the second episodes, the ones shown at 8.30 personally.

Anonymous said...

If I miss it during the week here in Canada, I can catch up on Sunday mornings. But 2 1/2 hours takes up too much tie when you have laundry, cleaning etc. to catch up on as well. 3 times a week would be perfect, just like the old days.

Rosepatch said...

I would say three episodes, on three seperate nights. Like Frosty I don't think we need the 8.30 episode. I often skip that one, having had my fill from the 7.30 programme.

Carry On Blogging! said...

Interesting comments about the 830 episode. I think it was originally brought in to provide a cliff hanger to keep people hooked but I think most weeks they struggle to keep up the momentum

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous 16:23.
It's great to have the opportunity to watch the omnibus on Sundays, but it's too much of a good thing all at once.

I voted for 3X/wk, that's just enough, otherwise it becomes too routine, not something to look forwards to.

I think many of us realize too that this is part of the reason episodes are churned out rather than thought out, and I've watched since '66.

Humpty Dumpty said...

The number of episodes is not for us, anyway, but the advertisers. Except if viewers don't watch some of them, what's the point. I voted for three times a week. Two eps a night doesn't work for me. I certainly don't watch the programme in the middle slot. I choose the 8.30 ep because I can more or less guess what happened earlier on. And let's face it, most of the time, you haven't missed much.

People have moved on from putting the telly on after supper and sitting on the sofa glued till bed time. Apart, maybe, from older people which is why we need storylines for that age group of character and viewer.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, but what demographics are the advertiser aiming their commercials at?
Most likely not the older people who are done with spending, but more likely the younger viewers with either disposable income or those who are in the 'must have' generation.

Anonymous said...

Twice a week for me. Too much air time requires too many characters and plots being stretched out. I actually stopped watching more than three a week - I seem to manage fine missing a few.

Anonymous said...

Love the 5 times a week here in Canada. Would love 10, like we were for a while to catch up. I don't think there is such a thing as too much Corrie. :)

vintgal003 said...

Living in husband and I LOVE the 7:30-8:00 p.m. slot...keep it at 5 times/ just fine for us!

Anonymous said...

I'm from Canada too and I love Corrie just the way it is - 5 episodes a week. :)



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