Most of the time, I can suspend disbelief. I know that you have to do that for television fiction, they do take liberties. But I just can't imagine that Norris would have been locked in the lavvy all weekend.
Doesn't Roy open the cafe on weekends? Saturdays at least? It always seems to be open. And wouldn't they hear Norris hollering from down below them or hear the lavvy flush over the weekend?
Even if the cafe is closed, Roy and Hayley still use the staircase right next to the lavvy to go up and down and out of the flat through the cafe all the time. As far as I know, there is no other external door to the flat other than through the business premises. Surely Norris would hear someone coming and make noise.
I might believe an overnight in the loo, but not a whole weekend. Sorry. Can't buy this one.
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
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Emily said he had been missing overnight and Norris himself said he was in there for 15 hours. Think its a case of the days not fitting in and therefore last nights episode was saturday- Micky
I thought it very silly and totally unbelievable. What is Roy doing letting his old battleaxe of a mother run his business into the ground and insult his regulars? I presume the four of them in the cafe was another attempt at humour - Norris expecting Sylvie to pick up his fork - oh my aching sides. It was embarrasing.
I was lead to believe that it was just overnight that he was in there :/
Perhaps I am being daft - I thought it was just overnight - 15 hours he said.
They did say that he'd been there overnight, and Emily said that he hadn't come home "last night". Corrie time isn't aligned with real time. We have to assume that Friday's episode happened on a Thursday, and so today's episodes happened on Friday... perhaps. It also means that if there's an amazing revelation on Friday we don't have to accept that no-one discussed it at all over the whole weekend.
To use a different example, if Corrie followed its broadcast dates exactly then Kylie would get locked out on a Monday, but won't be let back in again until Thursday! The gap between episodes is very fluid - sometimes they use it, sometimes they don't.
Best not to dwell on the timeframe of the show, otherwise you start getting very confused!
It also goes without saying that if we tuned in on Thursday and found out that Kylie was let in Tuesday morning and had a massive row with Gail but we didn't see it, it'd be a bit disappointing!
I guess it does just seem weird with the weekend in between when everything that happened on Friday our screens was a Friday i.e. work day with no mention of it being a Sunday.
The hole storyline was stupid. It started off funy, but the writers/Sylvia took it too far. Wasnt funny in the end.
I think the writers spoilt this by getting Cynthia to open the door as quick as she did to let everyone see Norris. I think it would have been better if she had not owned up, and for everyone to start looking for Norris more than what they did. In fact, I think the writers ended the storyline a little too quick and I would love to have seeing the police involved first before Norris appeared. This could have meant Cynthia denying everything with the police, or Norris could have lost his memory (or pretending) after say, a bang on the head while being locked in the toilet.
As everyone has said above, it was only overnight. There are only ever three days in a Corrie week - each day's episodes always take place the day after the previous episode.
Although having said that, I do remember a Monday episode not so long ago where it had been one night since Friday for one group of characters but a whole weekend for another group...
Anonymous: I think you mean Sylvia, not Cynthia ;)
I've found the cafe story this last week tiresome rather than humorous, I'm afraid - credulity was strained a little too far for my taste. Although it did produce some funny lines.
I remember, back in the '70s, Corrie used to go for ages without a weekend. Episodes would end with reference to something that was going to happen "tomorrow" and the next episode (only two weekly then) would BE tomorrow - every episode a normal workday, with no weekends at all! It wasn't always so - but it did happen!
What is Corrie if not a total disbelief suspension? If we believed any of it we'd all be in white jackets by now!
Perhaps shows like CSI and Law and Order have led people to believe that drama television is moving towards representing "reality". It's not; even shows that are meant to be real contain quite a bit of implausible fiction or staged nonsense. Best not to dwell on it, like Merseytart and dhvinyl have said.
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