The Sun reports today (so take with usual pinch of tabloid spoiler salt) that Sophie and Sian will split up later this year when Sophie and Amber get together.
Suddenly, Amber's bisexual, according to the Sun, decides she fancies Sophie and the pair of them share a Christmas kiss. Sian finds out and she's devestated and this leads up to her leaving Weatherfield as actress Sacha Parkinson departs the Street.
Monday, 22 August 2011
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Oh, what a stunningly original piece of storylining - this'll get MILLIONS of extra viewers!!!!
Glad to see the back of Sian, she has to be the most boring and one-dimensional character on the show. Also played by an 'actress' who can't act her way out of a paper bag.
The terminally boring Amber and the terminally boring Sophie. Who cares? Does Phil Collinson think this will raise the viewing figures?
Who couldn't have seen this coming?
I expect Fiz to have a lesbian fling while she's in prison and pehaps Eileen might take a ride on Sean's bus before the next bloke comes along. How about Rita and Emily getting together..just for laughs. If this is all the writers can come up with for storylines they should be sacked. Why does everything have to centre around the sexuality of the characters? I really don't think there is any merit to this story other than to have an excuse for Sian to leave the show.
It does seem to be a lame excuse to get the character out of the picture. If they were going to go with a triangle situation, I'd much rather see them have Sian get insterested in a man. She had previously dated Ryan and could still find men attractive. It would be more interesting to explore those kinds of issues and Sophie would feel a lot more betrayed. I just don't buy that Sophie would be unfaithful to Sian but I would buy it the other way around, whether Sian kissed a man or another woman. I also don't buy that Amber will be bisexual. I reckon it's a curiosity thing but Sian catches them at it.
hmmmmm Anonymous....I don't see any big difference between the article and this summary? I'll be sorry to see Sacha Parkinson leave and now we will have to endure Dev's groaning and moaning about Amber being a lesbian.
Really? Sophie to cheat..I mean come on, they really could have come up with a more realistic story line, the way Sophie looks at Sian and the chemistry between them, for Sophie to go off and cheat on her.. just doesn't fit the part.. corrie really have let us 'SIOPHIE' fans down, its so so so annoying.
It's a bit of a sweeping statement, I know, but most of our young soap stars are pretty hopeless. They may be fine in a soap teen but in a mainstream soap you can see how awful some of them are. Could it be to do with the number of hours they're allowed to perform and gain skills? But surely they still go to drama clubs etc. It must be more to do with casting teens who look the part rather than can act the part. Compare UK youngsters on the box with Americans and you soon see the difference. The big exception to the above is Master Simon Barlow, who is evidently a natural actor. Yes, people say he's precious and he may be off-screen. On-screen, he comes across as a fine little actor - and Chesney was good, too. Doesn't make up for all the young Tracy's, Rosie's etc.
Actually, I meant 'precocious' but you probably guessed that!
That Sophie gal has some extraordinary lesbian appeal - she's turning gals left, right and centre! I agree with Tvor, it would have made more sense to have Sian fall for some guy, any guy really, they're almost all dispensible now. Then they could have both left our screens! Given Amber's cultural heritage, even being bi-curious is going to get her into a LOT of hot water!
Humpty Dumpty you make a good point. The young soap stars are pretty hopeless but I doubt if they go to any drama school, too busy going out getting wasted and geting their pictures in the papers/mags after Fool Collinson and the rest of them are telling them oh how wonderful they are. Didnt he call Brooke a "fine actress". No wonder the standard seems to be so poor lately.
Sorry anonymous at 10:41am, I always found the most boring actor to be BECKY. Put it this way, I enjoyed watching Corrie last night (Monday the 22nd August) until Becky kept appearing on the screen which caused me to become unatached with the soap until she went away.
I thouroughly disagree. I'm always annoyed when Simon Barlow appears on screen, he is wooden even by the standard of a child actor, but I enjoy many out of the young cast, especially Brooke Vincent and Sam Aston. I don't think you judge them objectively, you seem to just dislike them for some reason.
Big mistake splitting up Sophie and Sian, unless there are plans of reconciliation down the line. However, during their split, I'd like to see Sophie grow up a bit, and I'd like Sian pursue her own life/goals, separate from Sophie. Still think Brooke and Sascha worked very well together and have excellent chemistry.
I wanted Sophie and Sian to get married, they are hot.
I'm so glad Sophie will get with Amber. Sophie and Sian were sometimes very boring to watch. I think when the Sophie and Amber thing began it was really exciting to see what happened. Amber was strict about telling Sophie she was straight and not interested, but as it came out at Sophie and Sian's hen night, Ambers feelings came out for Sophie. I think Amber and Sophie will be a couple loved by all the nation!
i think the same annymous at 20:30 but i really liked sophie and sian but after Amber told Sophie she loved her it showed that they could and WILL be together!!!
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