Reports today suggest Jack Duckworth is to be one of the shock deaths in the 50th anniversary tram disaster.
We already know Jack is bowing out towards the end of the year, and it would be likely to tie in with the 50th anniversary. But would they really allow such a grisly end for poor Mr Duckworth? I'm still undecided on that one.

What are your thoughts on who the tram crash victims will be at this stage? Comment below!
as jack was leaving anyway, a tram crash would be ok for him and I'm happy for John Stape to be killed off any old way they fancy!!
No, no,no, no no! Not Stape!! but, I'm sorry to say, I'd be okay with Jack going...
I like Stape, too. A great character with lots of potential, who's made his life into something of a trainwreck. I really wish they could turn him around, for Fiz's sake, but it may be too late, story-wise.
For a long term beloved character like Jack, it wouldn't be right, either. He needs to take Ty out for a pub night and get his blessing to marry Connie and move away.
I really wouldn't want to see Jack go out of the street in this way. I would rather see him move with Connie to Spain or Blackpool and live a happy and long life with Connie and his pigeons. There are plenty of others that the tram can fall on!
John Stape is different matter though. His current (hilarious) storyline suggests that he will be going back to prison.... or be killed off.
Stape keeps doing illegal things and cannot be seen to get away with it. So he either goes to jail or he gets killed. Perhaps he'll get killed pushing someone else out of the way and thus die a hero in spite of it all?
I would hate to see Jack die as well but it's probably a no brainer. I'm sure the media is speculating as ITV is keeping this one pretty close to the chest as best they can
"Don't believe what you read in the papers"
"...Perhaps he'll get killed pushing someone else out of the way and thus die a hero in spite of it all?"
- Yeah, and then even in death he'd still muck it up, lol! The local papers would be full of the heroism of Colin Fishwick next to a photo of John. That would lead to questions, (led by Norris) - and if Fiz survives the cull, she could possibly land up in court charged with collusion in an identity theft crime - then off we'd go on another torturous storyline.
Killing Stape seems to be the only option left now: putting him in prison for x years is a dramatic dead end, and having Fizz just divorce him (while satisfying as a character) would just be dull. Drop a tram on him and the problem is solved. Plus we can get back the old Fizzbomb as a result - perhaps with a newly single Tyrone...?
WHAT??? Here in New Zealand we're 18 months behind and having read Merseytart's comment, am I to understand that Fizz marries Stape? I am gob smacked! I've always thought she should end up back with Kirk. Can anyone tell me how Blance was written out of the street? We still have her and she has the best one-liners ever!
I like the heroic, false identify idea that Danny's suggested.
I think we'd all prefer Jack to exit in a more peaceful manner.
Is there a lot of tram deaths up in Manchester? It's not the 1st time this has been used in Corrie.
Where are these "reports" coming from? Phil Collinson said when he was interviewed that the victims were going to be strictly under wraps and we wouldnt know until the time. Its pure conjecture, I saw another "report" that Carla was going to be one of the victims but I doubt very much if she would be written out.
I too would love to know that Jack had gone on to pastures new with Connie.
Vera died suddenly, would like a nicer ending for Jack.
Many people like him, but as Fiz has changed since her involvement with him into something no one appreciates, I think it would be good for him to go, and let Fiz eventually have a new, hopefully more interesting life.
I must say, I like the idea of him dying whilst saving someone else's life in the tram wreck.
Redeem him, and let Fiz and the street have something positive to remember him by.
John's not an evil character, just just not very lucky, perhaps.
I think the media is just whipped itself up into a frenzy of speculation about the tram deaths.
Ange - Blanche leaves the Street the same way she did in reality - she dies of natural causes (whilst on holiday in Australia).
And for those who don't particularly want to see the last of John Stape, and would prefer him not to end up under a tram, his crime could be resolved in any number of ways to keep him on the Street -
The school head decides to cut John's salary due to government austerity cut-backs - but by far more than that of any of the other teachers. The head owns up to John that he found out soon after that he wasn't Colin Fishwick, but impressed by his ability and desperate for high calibre teachers to keep the school's ratings from falling further, decided to keep him on regardless. So to stay on, it's either accept the pay cut way - or the highway; which is it be? John could accept and continue - or hand in his notice.
Finally, he decides on calling quits on the whole charade and then maybe decides to place an advert in the local Weatherfield Gazette advertising himself as a private tutor for hire, for those pupils needing crammer lessons help - thus keeping him in his beloved chosen profession of choice.
As for Fishwick's body - well if ever discovered, police could eventually trace DNA fibres from the carpet back to John - and jail if it really was time for the character to go.
And/or perhaps John gets the courage to confess all to the police of his own violation, helping the police arrest the real murderer, however his confession results in charges being brought against him, but it only results in a modest sentence for John, finally resolving all issues and leaving him to progress as a private tutor - under his own name.
However, as John let the thug threaten Fizz with a menacing: "I've never hit a woman before, but there's always a first time", and did nothing to physically protect Fizz, prefferring to whimper before the thug, it's odds on his character's due for the chop regardless.
And if it turns out to be true about Jack, then after we see Jack dissapearing under the rubble, I'd like to see a lone pigeon fly up and away, skywards until it's just a tiny speck as the credits begin to roll.
Danny-K, what a truly lovely touch that would be....
If that happened there would be a lot of wet eyes across the world.
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